Monica4u's Avatar
What is going on this week ... I have had a bunch of cancellations and no shows .... Am I the only provider experiencing this ?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
No your not..
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Names or why bother....

Not naming names lends these asshats credence to continue. Giving them out gives fair warning for other ladies.
Monica4u's Avatar
Champagne are you experiencing it in higher volumes then normal? I feel like 2013 hit and it became the year of NC/NS .... Lmao

@ Dorian names are not necessary Im not putting anyone on blast just want to know if I'm the only one experiencing this BS...
Guest042413's Avatar
Your not the only one its slow right now....
  • RoxyG
  • 01-17-2013, 02:36 PM
I swear its something in the water
Mr Willy's Avatar
Why not name them so other ladies will know not to schedule with those assclowns?
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Sorry that happen to you.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 01-17-2013, 03:53 PM
There's a difference between cancellations and no-shows. As long as he gives decent notice, there's nothing wrong about cancelling. I don't think guys who cancel should be exposed. OTOH, if he simply no-shows, wouldn't hurt to mention them. No excuse for this behavior.
Monica4u's Avatar
Maybe I should have clarified all my appts were cancelations hence why I'm not dropping names but it's just been happening a lot this week ... For 1 reason or another I've just be left hanging with a wet kitty ... LOL

I just wanted to know if it was me or was there something in the water as roxy stated ...

Oh well I'm sure there are a lot more gentlemen ready and able to have some good quality fun ...
RandyRapido's Avatar
I've tried to schedule twice this week and it didn't work out either time. It wasn't due to my lack of punctuality but just didn't work out and I'm not upset. This is a busy time of year for everyone. On to the next!!!
For me I have not had this problem...

My problems are the guys wanting a same day appointment but asking me through here (Im not always online bc I have life and school and a job)My number is provided everywhere you look - utilize it! (for same day appointments that is.) I believe I am going to need to change my policy to 24 hour advance notice due to this trend ...

Sorry this is happening, its slow now in Houston...just got back in town today.
Oralist's Avatar
Ladies, sorry about the no shows. Never done it myself, but have had to cancel due to some work issues. S--t happens on both sides.

But, I tried to schedule with two ladies recently. Both had posted new ads the day before. I contacted both and gave my screening information, well in advance. The first called to say she was "Out Of Town". The second called 5 minutes before the requested appointment time. What the F--k? Don't post an ad if you aren't going to be available.
Not surprised providers don't understand why it's slow. They don't all pay taxes on their income and don't realize everyone took a 2% hit on disposable income at the beginning of the year. To counter the slow down, providers are raising prices which may not be the best business move. I recently asked a provider to give me a 2% break on her outcall rate of 450 and saved $9.00. That was actually quite nice of her.

But just to give a perspective, my tax hit was $3,000 for the year which means 10-15 less appointments for the year for me. I would think this is the case for many hobbyist and means it is probably slow everywhere.

For NC/NS, that is just disrespectful and it goes both ways.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Not to get too far off topic, but I'm not certain the 2% difference will really affect most men seeing providers. You see a similar effect with strip clubs where dudes spend a whole bunch of money on alcohol and girls even though they're behind on their bills, etc.

Anyways, I completely agree that in most cases NC/NS is extremely disrespectful and unacceptable. The only rare exception I can think of is if there is some sort of emergency, which in that case the offending party should still try and notify the other party as soon as possible (and possibly try and make amends as a show of good faith).