Ok, strange question...

Do the asian (happy ending) spas allow women? I have a really sweet client that wants to treat me! I'm very excited. He knows how much I like girls and he told me to pick a place for us to go together and get 'pampered'. Totally cool idea, I have honestly always wanted to do this
Problem is, I have a feeling my sex might be an issue. I don't want us to show up, then get turned away. Or worse, pay and I end up getting barely any, or no lovins. Ya know? lol
Any helpful info you guys have would be great.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-21-2013, 04:32 PM
I would not expect the Asian chicks to play much with a girl. Don't think it's their thing, could be wrong just don't seem like it. Even if they did you gotta deal with the fact that a lot of times you have to work your way up in the playtime at a spa can take a couple visits.
"you have to work your way up"
Oh, ok. I didn't know that :-(
Thanks for the info.
KatieKatie's Avatar
I have a girl friend who was offered extra at a spa in Boston. You might get lucky if you do your research. That sounds like fun!
Thank you :-)
Not sure exactly how to go about researching this though lol
I'm going to go do a few google searches in a minute, but I don't know if they put that stuff out there or not. Probably just get a lot of stuff that doesn't pertain. Or is not local.
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 01-21-2013, 04:47 PM
Perhaps your client should pick the place....or at least do some footwork. If he frequents the spas, he may have an idea of someone to talk to.
well, he is from out of state. He sees me when he comes down, but I think he 'spas' where he lives.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 01-21-2013, 05:02 PM
This don't seem like it will work out. Why not see if diamond jenet can hook up a double or something? At least you got a real provider that you can talk to about what you want. She provides a spa like experience, you'll need to skip the bath I'm sure don't think four folks can fit.
Well, we do doubles all the time. Very fun. But he wanted to treat me to something different.
You might be right though. Not sure if it's going to work out :-(
Molay's Avatar
  • Molay
  • 01-21-2013, 05:22 PM
It does sound like a cool idea. Good luck with it.
What you might try is chatting up with Diamond Jenet on here.. I mean getting Nuru from her is worlds of fun!

As for the asian spa's seeing women..not too sure about that.... and it might take some driving around from spa to spa to find one that does..
tyboy1's Avatar
Diamond doesn't do ladies.
stickitinyou's Avatar

You might check with her. She is a fbsm provider.
dearhunter's Avatar
Check with tbonetas......if it is asian he knows about it
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-21-2013, 08:47 PM
Diamond doesn't do ladies. Originally Posted by tyboy1
Confirmed... I have asked her in the past, and she politely said no.