In order to enjoy the services of an escort, you need to learn how to discuss their services properly. Escorts do not sell sex. In fact, you can almost guarantee a bad experience with any escort if you ask her how much it will cost to have sex with her. Escorts sell their time. What happens during the time spent with an escort is between two or more consenting adults who posses similar likes and interests. Escorts are like any other woman, if you are nice, clean, respectful, polite and fun to be around she will probably like you enough to consider getting closer to you. However, you must do your part first. If you walk into this with any expectations, you will only frustrate and disappoint yourself. Leave the donation in a plain envelope. Place the envelope on the table or dresser in plain sight. All escorts will tell you what they expect in pay before they arrive. Do not make the escort ask you for money. The escort will assume you are trying to rip her off. When attempting to arrange a meeting with an escort, please keep the conversation polite, simple and clean.
No talk about sex.. PERIOD! If you are inappropriate or disrespectful during the conversation with her, the meeting will be terminated. Don't be mean, on drugs, drunk, or try to rip your escort off. If you treat an escort badly, not only won't she see again, but she may also blacklist you. If this happens your name will go on a bad client lists so other escorts will not see you either. Always assume that someone knows where the escort is at all times. Just because the escort is an independent provider does not mean
that she does not inform someone of her where abouts. Its a cautionary measure girls take to insure their safety. So, just think of your time with the escort as any other date. Relax, have fun, and just be cool.