libs won't like what biden plans to do

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Progressives Are for Sure to Have a Meltdown Over Biden's Immigration Changes Next Month
Matt Vespa | @mvespa1| Posted: Oct 18, 2021 2:00 PM

With the border in total chaos, maybe Joe was forced to make this adjustment to his immigration policy. We’ve endured consecutive months of 200K-plus apprehensions at the border. There’s no way we can keep this up. Even DHS Secretary Mayorkas was caught on a hot mic moment admitting we couldn’t handle much more of this at the southern border. Our own Julio Rosas has been at the border multiple times and reported on the chaos. One policy that could have prevented this deluge was Trump’s ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, which prevented migrants from entering the US until their application for entry had been reviewed. Biden was reportedly warned by his aides not to nix this policy too quickly. He didn’t listen because he’s an idiot, so months after he nixed it—he must reinstate it. And yes, the snowflakes are already upset (via The Hill):
The move comes after an initial victory by Texas and Missouri in a suit that argued the Biden administration too hastily withdrew the policy, under which the U.S. transported 70,000 asylum-seekers to Mexico to await a determination in their case.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has appealed the case and is working on a memo to rescind the program anew, but it is still required to reimplement what was formally termed the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) “in good faith.”

The announcement follows a series of meetings with high-level officials from the Mexican government.

“Mexico is a sovereign nation that must make an independent decision to accept the return of individuals without status in Mexico as part of any reimplementation of MPP. Discussions with the Government of Mexico concerning when and how MPP will be reimplemented are ongoing,” DHS said in a statement Thursday.

In the court filing the government writes that Mexico “has made clear that it has concerns about aspects of how MPP was previously implemented,” taking pains to stress that much of the program’s future implementation relies on securing Mexico’s blessing.


Advocates have long argued the program is an unacceptable barrier to those seeking asylum in the U.S.

“Restarting any version of the Trump administration’s notorious Remain in Mexico policy will lead to immense human suffering,” Eleanor Acer, senior director of refugee protection at Human Rights First, said in a release.

“Trump 2.0 policies at the border are a recipe for continued cruelty, disorder, and violations of refugee law. The Biden administration must honor its promise to terminate this horrific program.”
Well, too bad. Remain in Mexico is coming soon to a theater near you by mid-November. As that date approaches, you know there will be liberals frothing at the mouth over this. They might try to storm the DHS building. Hey, last week, green warriors tried to storm the Department of the Interior. You never know.
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Don't forget the kids being shipped all around the country at night to NY
2021-05-20 · SHOCKING video shows up to 50 migrant children being secretly flown into Tennessee in the middle of the night after they illegally entered the US. Residents are angered at a lack of transpare…