Text and the Hobby

Ok hobby people.
Please Note: that when U open a text to read it the sender's phone outgoing mail Icon changes for that text. It is changed from a closed mail or a closed envelope to open mail or a opened envelope.

If the text is never looked at then the Icon for that text stays as closed mail or a closed envelope on the senders phone..

So when checking a hobby text please note that the sender knows U have opened the text to read it.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-29-2013, 08:21 AM
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Incorrect for sure. There is no acknowledgement in the SMS protocol.
smokeater's Avatar
Luiz is correct. There is not way for you to see this from your phone.. Maybe Bossy would help us get a better understanding of what he was trying to get across?
If you are both using iPhones and you have the show read receipt clicked it will show when the text was read. But otherwise it does not show up.
This is not true of SMS. It may be true of instant messaging and email based on the individual implementation and the options/settings of the sending and receiving devices/applications. It certainly used to be a feature on AOL IM when that was the dominant IM tool.
OK...even if you are correct, are you saying that it only applies to 'hobby' texts? LOL. What are you trying to say by the way? What is the importance of this info to us or to the hobby?
AsianSpice's Avatar
MasterBaiter1996 is a wise phone guru. All the masturbation has not gone to his head.
And on Google Voice, if you hold down the thread, you can mark it unread!

Bossy, did someone tell you they didn't get your text?
[QUOTE=AsianSpice;1052616762]MasterBaiter1996 is a wise phone guru. All the masturbation has not gone to his head./QUOTE]

MB jr. needs a break, like rubbing a old piece of leather.
Roguejet's Avatar
I'm with Ms. Thom - so, what's the point?
Clouddancer's Avatar
I don't know about the texts being marked as read but I'm sure there is a story behind the OPs post.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 03-31-2013, 03:25 PM
If you are both using iPhones and you have the show read receipt clicked it will show when the text was read. But otherwise it does not show up. Originally Posted by MasterBaiter1996
That's only if you're using the new iMessage crap that is unreliable as hell. You can disable that in the settings, and it's highly recommended that you do.
boomvang's Avatar
Too technical for me. I can tell from personal experience that if you are stopped by the police they may check the incoming and outgoing text in the memory of your phone. If they are interesting a judge will have a chance to read them too.

Delete often.
  • zebra
  • 03-31-2013, 05:35 PM
I ain't got no stinking IPhone and fcuk AT&T! I traded mine in on a POS Motorola Photon 4G @ Sprint and really got the rod up the arse. Cant wait till the Note 2 drops in price...