(QUIZ) Which American Accent Do You Have?

tia travels's Avatar
What American accent do you have?

My Result: The Inland North (And it's true)
ledge12's Avatar
Midland... or i don't have one
I B Hankering's Avatar
Australian aborigine?

. . . but I jest - it's Midland.
  • PT4ME
  • 11-14-2010, 07:03 PM
Northeast for me, which is also "correct"! Even dialed me in to NYC!!!

eccietime's Avatar
Hmmm I'm midland north. I use to live in Michigan so I guess that's close.

:cupid arrow:
It says I have a southern accent. Which is true.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Southern for sure, all my relatives in Michigan cannot understand me.
But I cant understand them either, eh? There are a bunch of "upers".
abdclub's Avatar
Interesting ... apparently I'm from Phillie (never been there!), when I'm actually a displaced Scottish guy in Texas!!!!!! LOL

  • MrGiz
  • 11-19-2010, 10:30 AM
It pegged me from the South, which is correct.... but I'm from New Orleans..... which doesn't ordinarily have a Southern accent attached to it. An olde truism is.... You have to travel north from New Orleans to arrive in The South!!

RandB fan's Avatar
it told me to move to NOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rednecksatyr's Avatar
An amusing thread and I must add my thoughts. I grew up in Mississippi with a large family that did not place much importance on proper grammar - in fact we butchered the English language with what I now call "Redneckese" .

The ethnic variation of the local conversations added yet another facet of the spoken word in both pronunciation and meaning.

As I managed to advance in the world of academics I developed the necessary technique of a double standard of verbal and written communication.

To my chagrin I find that I now revert to my childhood vernacular more and more using words and expressions that seem to baffle many of my younger friends as well as amuse them.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
ok it says northeast for me. Lake Ontario would be in the northeast to my thinking.
Smoke2nd's Avatar
Wrong...I have driven trough there though.
I'm born and lived in Texas my whole life.

Your Result: The Midland