So I watching the news. And I see this one clip of a 40 or 50ft boat that looks to be like many that are coast guard would use in the ocean. Its on a main road way, with buildings around it. Its stuck in a current like one when you flush the john. Just spinning but not going down. But keeps getting hit by cars and small trucks just before they get sucked in. Like a rubber duckie in a toilet the refuses to go down. If it was my 24ft cuddy, I'm sure it would be sucked down. Down the street is a small ship under power and trying to navigate away from the sink hole. But slowly loosing as it hits buildings. The earth quake is bad. But then to be hit by a tsunami. Breath taken, the raw power of it.
Are west coast and Hawaii are on a watch for tsunami. This not good. But the clips are just so amazing.
Another clip has a freighter leaning on buildings. With a oil refinery burning in the background.
The earth quake was reported to be felt by seismograph(?) some where on the coast of Lake Eire.