What happened to all our lib friends?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Has anyone else noticed that the past week there have been very few, if any, posting by our liberal, Obama and tax loving friends?
What do you think happened to them? I have a few suggestions:
They are so embarassed that they cannot post.
They are busy somewhere playing with themselves.
They took their ball and went home.
They were suspended for venting too much bile.
They have been sitting in the basement of their mother's house watching CSpan all week. (they will be back now)
The debate has been so intense that they cannot formulate an answer. (debt ceiling)
They refuse to be associated with Biden (Tea Party terrorist), Pelosi (Satan fries), or Cleaver (Satan Sandwich)(I have to go call Jimmy Johns)
Not all of Barry's supporters are happy right now. The deal that was sealed has
unhappy folks on both sides. The final deal doesn't give either side much to
brag about.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Vito, that is true to a point. It accomplished something very important however. It provided lengthy and vitriolic debate over very little, and resulted in a deal which gives the appearance of compromise without really doing anything to upset the status quo. It was a wonderful show for those who think government actually does anything for the good of the people, but in the end, it is business as usual. I'd be willing to bet that President Obama, Senator Reid and Speaker Boehner are at the golf course downing a few brewskis and laughing at how they, once again, put one over on the American people.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I visualize a one panel cartoon; it is the aftermath of a battle and the Tea Party people are standing around with the media announcing that the Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are dead. In the foreground we see lying on the ground Harry and Nancy, et. al. and they are giggling trying to play dead! Watch out, they're not finished yet.
I see the back door on attacking the defense budget in this deal. This committee (however it is implemented) has to agree to make certain changes or there will be across the board cuts. 50 % would have to come from defense. So all the dems on the committee have to do is just not cooperate and trigger the cuts.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Can you imagine Democrats not cooperating?
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
It's shows how important and strong the tea party are that they really matter that they got pull. This is me smiling
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I have a book recommendation for Cheaper, Eats, Leaves, and Shoots (a story about Pandas) a book on punctuation.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
,! ? " ; ) /
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I kind of knew that I would have to explain. Someone wrote a book about the use of the comma and punctuation in general. They got their inspiration from a sign about Panda bears and their feeding habits. The sign was supposed to say Pandas eat shoots and leaves of bamboo. This sign had been given extra commas so that it said Pandas eat, shoots, and leaves. It would make you more understandable when you post.
It's shows how important and strong the tea party are that they really matter that they got pull. This is me smiling Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
.........english please.:mf_ w00t2:
dirty dog's Avatar
Leave cheaper alone! As for your question, I have been busy at work as usually happens when you come back from vacation. Secondly, whats the point its just the same old drivel rehashed over and over and over again. Political debate did not just start when you got here JD and anyone with a brain new that this debt ceiling bullshit would run up to the last second and then a bullshit plan would be passed and both sides would claim victory blah, blah, blah....................
The minions and playthings of the right wing nutz under the funding and the guise of the Tea Party have succeeded in one thing......................

they scared the living shit out of the rest of the world and totally undermined any confidence in the ability of our country to have a functioning government.

They also wrecked my IRA for the 2nd time after GWB did it the first time.

These people have the intellectual capacity of a empty coconut.

Galt you make my stomach turn. Go get a $60 handjob from an ancient blind asian and tip her a quarter.
i thought the markets were going to crash if we didnt raise it. we did and they are tanking. our credit rating is still going to be downgraded. the markets would have reacted better had we not.
You are as dumb as Galt is...........................b ut then again you are Galt and an ancient asian terrorizer too.

After that childish display by the 87 Herbert Hoover clones I would not have any confindence as an investor and it is showing.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We were told that the markets would welcome this deal, by the democrats. The Tea Party said the markets would not like this deal. I guess we know who was right. Too bad you can't accept the obvious.

As for GW Bush, do you realize that on 18 Sept. 2008 there was a run on the stock market worth $550 billion? What happened to that money? If Bush hadn't shut down the market it would have continued and maybe really busted the economy. These are facts, deal with them. The questions come up is why didn't the democrats in Congress investigate this they way 9/11 was investigated? Don't make the mistake of saying I believe the democrats did this but why the lack of interest?
Part of the reason for the collapse was the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These are the two organs (they are not companies, nor are they part of the government) that George W. Bush and McCain tried to audit back in 2005. They were stopped by the democrat majority in the Senate. This line of dominoes can be traced back to the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. Passed by democrats and signed by a democrat. In the 1990s the program went on steriods which lead to promised backing by the US Congress for every mortgage which led to bundling and the foreseen collapse.
Someday, and it has always happened, the people will be screwed royally with more taxes or reduced services and the democrats will march out the PR machine to say it was the GOP again. This time the Tea Party stood against the GOP establishment and they are the only one who predicted the decline in the market. You owe them an apology.
The market will recover as it always has, fingers crossed, Obama will try to take credit for the recovery and to make people forget that he had it wrong in the first place.

As for H. Hoover, you would be surprised that many of the things that Hoover did are the same things that Obama is trying to do. Only difference is that Hoover asked and Obama threatens.