Return of the Soviet way?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Tea Party is composed of Americans. Americans who care about how their government acts on their behalf. Can anyone argue that? You may disagree with their politics but you should never doubt their patriotism.
This last couple of weeks the Tea Party members have been called, not compared to but called, terrorists, hostage takers, thugs, etc. Do any of the liberal members of this site really, REALLY, believe that is true?
Now we get treated to avowed socialist Martin Bashir of MSNBC putting forth the message that Tea Party people are psychotic and deranged. Now again, I ask our liberals did you REALLY believe that?
Turns out the expert in this video is not a doctor of psychology or medicine. He is a lawyer with a doctorate in political science.
The Soviet way was instituted to cast aside blame in the Soviet Union. Since communism was the best way to live (according to the Kremlin) then anyone who opposed communism must be insane. Millions of Soviet citizens were sent to camps (gulags) for treatment. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was one of these patients. Is this the next move? Millions of American disenfranchised because they are "insane"? I don't think they could get away with that but they are trying to destroy Americans with lies of the most unworthy sort. Not that they will be successful but what if they try? Where will you stand then? With your party or with the American people?
dirty dog's Avatar
The Tea Party is composed of Americans. Americans who care about how their government acts on their behalf. Can anyone argue that? You may disagree with their politics but you should never doubt their patriotism.
This last couple of weeks the Tea Party members have been called, not compared to but called, terrorists, hostage takers, thugs, etc. Do any of the liberal members of this site really, REALLY, believe that is true?
Now we get treated to avowed socialist Martin Bashir of MSNBC putting forth the message that Tea Party people are psychotic and deranged. Now again, I ask our liberals did you REALLY believe that?
Turns out the expert in this video is not a doctor of psychology or medicine. He is a lawyer with a doctorate in political science.
The Soviet way was instituted to cast aside blame in the Soviet Union. Since communism was the best way to live (according to the Kremlin) then anyone who opposed communism must be insane. Millions of Soviet citizens were sent to camps (gulags) for treatment. Alexander Solzhenitsyn was one of these patients. Is this the next move? Millions of American disenfranchised because they are "insane"? I don't think they could get away with that but they are trying to destroy Americans with lies of the most unworthy sort. Not that they will be successful but what if they try? Where will you stand then? With your party or with the American people? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
How can you truly expect a discussion on this subject when you begin with the belief that anyone who disagrees with you is a liberal. There are several members of this board who discuss matter in the Sandbox who are moderates. This is just an example of your us against them mentality. With the exception of maybe CNP you would be hard pressed to find any other non conservative member of this board who has made these statements towards the tea party. You complain about this, yet you have no problem calling everyone liberals, which I find offensive. Not trying to be negative in this post but would like to emphasize the hypicritical stance you take before you even come to the subject matter.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Your entire post is about something that I never said nor implied. Want to try again?

Figured this was necessary; I disagree with liberals on most things, moderates on a few things, libertarians on some things, and conservatives on a couple of things. So this is not about me versus them. Read better.

If you are a moderate, why are you so defensive?
Bartman1963's Avatar
Your implication is that if someone calls you and yours insane, then for political reasons your whole party, a national political movement will be rounded up and put in camps for those political views. Isn't that a stretch? When has that happened here?

You are trolling here sir.

If you are a tea party member why are you so paranoid and arrogant?
Bartman1963's Avatar
I'd like to point out that Anne Coulter, Glenn Beck and others are given national television time every week on some network or other, to call Liberals much worse than that. Does that mean the next time a Repub is elected Pres, I can count on the Gulag? And you accused me of setting up strawmen. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow. Great post.
Cheaper2buyit's Avatar
Jd you have yet to comment on the fact that I have said the tea party is weak. They should stand on their own two feet be a indy. If nothing else learn from Obama grass roots can get their own money to run. They need not hide under the repubs. Be truly for the people not a puppet for the repubs.
Jd you have yet to comment on the fact that I have said the tea party is weak. They should stand on their own two feet be a indy. If nothing else learn from Obama grass roots can get their own money to run. They need not hide under the repubs. Be truly for the people not a puppet for the repubs. Originally Posted by Cheaper2buyit
:mf_bluesb is your deal? english please??:mfr_l ol:
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
May as well keep this thread open as I expect more things to put in it.

Seems that Obama is thinking about going Soviet with housing. All of those properties foreclosed upon and held by the state will not be rentals. If they get their way. So what happens. Most of these houses are probably in disrepair after a couple of years so billions of our dollars will needed to bring them up to code. Then a staff will have to be hired (the article says they MAY use private contractors) so more government employees, then the government will be competing against private rental properties who won't be able to compete. More properties will be foreclosed upon and so on and so on. Of course local politicians will have imput on who gets what property. Emmanuel Cleaver can reward hard core supporters with a nice apartment overlooking the Missouri river at a discounted rate. Of course, if you express a conservative opinion to the landlord you may find yourself looking for shelter. Who would you sue if you had a complaint or hurt yourself on property? The government? Only if the government allows you to sue them.