1st Trip To Fayetteville~Thank You Guys!

To The Wonderful Fayetteville Gentleman That Helped Me Have An Awesome 1st Trip To Your City A BIG TEXAS THANK YOU!!
I had tons of fun and met some really great guys! Thank you for having me in your city and I look forward to many more trips!

You are a TOTAL doll Ms. Nikki. LOVED our time together!!!
It was great chatting with you, Nikki! I'm sorry our schedules didn't work out for a cocktail this time...but it sounds like you'll be back! We'll do it the next time you're here, for sure!

Glad you had fun in NWA. It's a great place, for sure. I love it here.
I'm sorry I missed you on your way through Central Arkansas. I'll try to visit with you next time. Pack those Daisy Dukes on your next trip through. LOL
Sydney Pure's Avatar
ohhh wish I knew you were in the State I would love to finally meet you!!!
I think we chase each other across the nation///lol....

you have been nothing but wonderful to me through the years and I hope our guys will bring you back
Oh WOW!! You guys are the best!!
One Day Ginger we will meet! Oh and You too Miss Sydney! I have always appreciated yall's help!!
I will get back for more fun one day and when I do watch out!! lol lol Have a great week everyone!

One day we will finally be in the same place at the same time!!!! You've always been so much help and one of the sweetest......someone who I've never even heard a negative word about.........someone who ALWAYS stays away from drama!!!! And she's such a hottie and down to earth!!! I'm only sorry that it's taken so long for us to meet........hopefully soon!
Glad you had fun KLN! Along with all of the other thanks you have been lots of help and vice versa while we been in this game, Thanks babe! Good to see some of us are able to help each other to stay safe! Gents, this one is friendly and awesome, welcome her sweet lollipop ass back to Arkansas! You picked a nice place to visit. I love NWA gents, aren't they the sweetest... I am kidding! I love the Little Rock gents, aren't they sweet. hehehe I just love them all...........

Miss Dreams