Vegas baby

I'm going to be taking my first trip to Vegas next weekend for a wedding. I'm not big on flashy clubs etc. Can anyone point me in the direction of any low key small clubs or bars I can catch some blues in ?
jimmyBJ's Avatar
The Sand Dollar - 3355 Spring Mountain Road
runswithscissors's Avatar
I spend quite a lot of time in Vegas, send a pm of what part of town you are staying in, and I can probably direct you to somewhere close by your location that you would enjoy.
Very valuable info. Thank you gents, ever so much.
Purtybaby...I am going to be in Vegas next weekend also!! 13, 14, 5th...if you want to hang out, I love Vegas and know my way around if you have questions....hugs
austin_191967's Avatar
I love Vegas and know my way around if you have questions....hugs Originally Posted by Monica Austin
I'm heading there in January. I could use some tips on cool places to see.
Austin 191967, if it is your first time in Vegas, there is so much to see and do, need to narrow it down...great restaurants, great shows and nightclubs....I am sure girls and boys will chime in if you start a thread.....what to do in Vegas? xo
austin_191967's Avatar
Thanks. That's good advice.
Hey pretty lady , Im sure we would have an excellent time but Im going to have alot of family around and they can be a little on the nosey side. Think " pinnochio " . If I see you around I will shoot you a wink and a slap on the tush though .... and yes that is a threat ; )
Well if you want to have a drink let me know .... What happens in Vegas .....hugs
runswithscissors's Avatar
Hey pretty lady , Im sure we would have an excellent time but Im going to have alot of family around and they can be a little on the nosey side. Think " pinnochio " . If I see you around I will shoot you a wink and a slap on the tush though .... and yes that is a threat ; ) Originally Posted by purtybaby
I'm all up for a wink and a slap on the tush from you!

Really enjoyed seeing you again, purtybaby, have fun in Vegas and look toward to seeing you when you get back!

Have fun too monica!
Ha ! This is what they say right ? If I can break away I will definitely reach out. Very kind of you to offer mamma.
Ok love ... Have fun....hugs
Your tush is oh so smack worthy and believe me the pleasure was all mine. I cant think of a better welcome home : )
runswithscissors's Avatar
I'm blushing!! (and checking airline reservations for Vegas..) lol

Have a blast!!