Nosy old man

So there is this old guy who lives a few houses down from me. I had never seen or spoken to him before. I was out walking my dogs one day and he came out of his house and started talking to me. He filled some of the conversation with bs small talk but he asked me what my name was (without ever introducing himself), what I do for a living, and made a reference to where I live. I gave him a fake name, told him I was a babysitter (which is what I normally tell people who ask), and, while his question about my apartment was vague and I didn't give much thought to it at the time, I did confirm that I lived in the building he was referring to. Time passes. Today, I was walking my dogs and he drove beside me, for only a moment, telling me that he searched for me using the fake name I gave him and couldn't find a babysitter named "..". I just kinda laughed and shrugged and said "well, it's there". I kind of felt like he was trying to get my full name from me because he asked "so, it's just ".."? Nothing before or after?" I told him no and at this point I was back at my place and we bid each other good day. I'm not really sure what to make of this. Idk if it's a hobbiest who has recognized me and is overstepping his boundaries or if it's a normal old guy being nosy. I'd really not have to bother with this again, as I obviously don't talk about my private life with anyone, in or out of the hobby. Is there a way to tell this old man to, essentially, mind his own fucking business without looking like I have something to hide? I've never caused a disturbance in my area, I'm discreet, and I wear "normal" clothes when I go out. I don't think there is any reason why this guy should think suspiciously of me but I feel like he does. Any suggestions on how to handle the situation maturely and responsibly are greatly appreciated. I want to be able to let him know that him asking me about my personal life makes me uncomfortable (because who wants to talk to strangers about stuff like that?). But, again, I don't want to look like I have something to hide.
I want to be able to let him know that him asking me about my personal life makes me uncomfortable (because who wants to talk to strangers about stuff like that?). But, again, I don't want to look like I have something to hide. Originally Posted by HoneyRyder007
IMO, that's all you need to say. He's a stranger and him asking about your personal life makes you feel uncomfortable. Regardless of whether you're a provider or not, I think it would make anyone feel uncomfortable. I don't see you saying that to him would make you look like you have something to hide. It's none of his damn business. Hell, if a strange nosey old man started asking me questions like that out of the blue, it would make me feel uncomfortable as well. If he takes offense, too bad so sad for him.

Btw Miss HoneyRyder, you're quite the cutie. If I lived in your neighborhood, I certainly wouldn't ask you about your personal info, but I'd probably hit on you, that's for sure lol.
tbone77494's Avatar
Tell him, firmly, "I'm not interested in older men and you are making me uncomfortable with all of your questions. Have a nice day."
Russ38's Avatar
Telling the old bastard to fuck off and die always seems to work....
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
You should tell him your parents taught you never to talk to strangers, especially those trying to delve into your personal life. Many people work from home these days doing all sorts of things. Nosey old man is right.

Tupperware salesperson
Webmaster (none of your biz what co old man, lol)
You inherited a lot of cash from a family member and therefore retired early
Clean houses or yachts (word of mouth, no advertising)
Working on your Masters or PhD online... you get the idea, but yeah, it's none of his business.

Oh, you could always say you're a dog walker, since you were out walking dogs. You could easily place an ad on and then actually do that on the side. If he persists with the babysitting stuff, then say you babysit for some of your petsitting clients at their home not yours. If I were you, I'd try to avoid him and move at the first opportunity, because it sounds to me like he's spending time looking into your personal biz/and or trying to rattle you.

FUCK OFF will stop all further inquiries
Telling the old bastard to fuck off and die always seems to work.... Originally Posted by Russ38
it works on me
pyramider's Avatar
Telling him to fuck off may set him to digging deeper out of spite. Probably best to use the uncomfortable with strangers bit.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
^^^ +1000

You need to tell someone you trust in your real life about this....or put his info in your hate file.

This guy is a creepy mo fo....and if anybody would know that, it's me and the other tards on this board.
yardbird74's Avatar
What Globe Spotter said...this is real world creeper, whether he knows who you really are or not. Just keep your eyes open for him and don't let him near your apartment.
LexusLover's Avatar
So there is this old guy who lives a few houses down from me. ...

while his question about my apartment was vague

....I did confirm that I lived in the building he was referring to. ...

Is there a way to tell this old man to, essentially, mind his own fucking business without looking like I have something to hide?

I want to be able to let him know that him asking me about my personal life makes me uncomfortable .... Originally Posted by HoneyRyder007
How "old" is "old" to you? Based on your looks .... 30 could be an "old man"?

How about this: First response (after this thread): "Your questions about my personal life are making me uncomfortable."

Second response: "Sir, I told you before you are making me uncomfortable."

Third response: "Sir, with all due respect, mind your own fucking business."
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
^^^ agree with LL

This topic bothers me because I've run into similar situations over the years.

Change your dog walking schedule, then if you see him & he has something else to say you could always mention that you do foot modeling and then always make it a point to wear running shoes when out, rolf...I'll bet it would bug the crap out of him.

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
I'll say he seems OVERLY nosey. trust me, I have NOSEY OLD neighbors but none of them have ever went to that length. at least that they made me aware. also, I'm not some blonde hottie either. that being said one particular one I just have to try and miss or deal with conversation until I can think up an excuse to get inside. I'm not the ass hat type and afterall it is a neighbor. who knows when I'll need to borrow something not to mention I know they keep great eyes on my place.

.............................. ..........................I'm discreet, and I wear "normal" clothes when I go out........................... .......... Originally Posted by HoneyRyder007
ha! this part made me chuckle.

either way, sounds like more going on. maybe time to come up with some excuses. expecting a call, gotta get going. have something in the oven. you're running late and need to get ready. my opinion is try being polite and letting him know you don't know him so you won't be handing out your last name. I understand everyone else feeling their chests puff up on a forum but I agree with what was said about that giving him a reason to dig more.

good luck with that one blonde hottie.
boardman's Avatar
So, I've been trying to strike up a conversation with this hot little blonde down the street. She looks a little familiar but I can't quite put my finger on where I've seen her before. She seems paranoid as fuck though so I don't know if I'm creeping her out. Should I just ask her if she thincks I'm a nosy old man or what?