Disappearing Showcases, "missing" providers

GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Issue 1: I noticed while trying to go look at stacyjames21's Showcase that it is not there anymore - vanished. When I asked her about it she said, "I don't know. I didn't take it down, it just vanished."

Issue 2: I can't even find her (or Angela619) using the Provider Search. However when Stacy posted in the Provider Ads section I could click on her handle and sure enough it jumps straight to her Public Profile (that can't be found using the same name in Provider Search)

Any insights? Scared me, I thought they quit and cancelled their eccie accounts.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-05-2012, 11:08 PM
I see no showcase for her at this time.

She may email websupport@eccie.net for assistance.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Cool. Thanks for the link M.

Any reason why she wouldn't come up in "Search Providers" though?
The search function on this site sux. I will bet St Christopher can't find him self on it.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-06-2012, 10:41 PM
We will look into it.

Thanks, GC007. At least your reply was helpful.
Sometimes I hide my showcase when I am takin' a break.......maybe she just needed some "me time"
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Thanks Karla for the thought. Perhaps so, perhaps she was just being diplomatic. I definitely still do not know all there is to know about eccie. I didn't know you could just hide a Showcase. I was concerned that it might be a malfunction since I also couldn't find her Public Profile either (with Search Provider) even though it is public because she just posted an Add and you could pull up her Public Profile from there and view it.

Contrary to tucson's rude remark, I think the Search Provider function works very well. It even auto-reduces as you type out the name; You can also restrict your query by City as well as a bunch of other parameters. No, it is more probable that there is some setting or criteria that I am unaware of such as maybe a Provider can make herself unsearchable or maybe a Provider (in the case of Angela619 who is new) has to be a Verified Provider before they can be searched.

I was just curious and also wanted to bring it to light in case something was malfunctioning. I know how software can be.

Kind Regards,
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-07-2012, 08:01 PM
Karla is correct. A provide can set her showcase to be visible or not visible at will.
I for some reason never pulled up a provider by inputing her name in the search box perhaps I am doing some thing wrong. I have tried doing it with all US in case I was going to the wrong city or state. I didn't mean to be a grouch. I just have never found a provider by using search.
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
Ahhh. Because it doesn't jump to or search the Provider's "Public Profile".
It searches "Provider Showcases"

So, if she doesn't have a Showcase or it is Hidden, she will not show up.

New, Unverified Providers don't have Showcases yet. So you will never find them (with "Provider Search").

You can still find them by using the main "Search" button and restricting to "Welcome and Introductions" thread.

Mystery Solved!
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
perhaps I am doing some thing wrong. Originally Posted by tucson
Thank you, tucson, for clarifying that you were just trying to be funny/witty in your remark.

It is actually MUCH cooler than you think it is.

I use the Provider Search frequently to jump to a Provider when I don't have a post by her handy for a quick jump. It is waaaaay faster than "Browse Showcases" to find her. I am usually jumping because once you get to her Showcase you can quickly check out all her reviews (by jumping to her Public Profile) or jump to her most recent add (if it's buried 3 pages deep and I can't see it).

The Provider Search function is Case Sensitive. So if you don't spell it right it won't find her. As you type in the letters of her name, it will show a list of 15 auto-suggestions beneath it. You can use your mouse and just click someone in the list so you don't have to keep typing the rest of the name.

If you don't see her name, in the list (yet) it may just be that it has more than 15 names that match your current criteria. You need to keep adding characters until it can reduce to 15 or less.

If it finds only one match it will be the only one in the list. If you click the list you don't even have to click the "Find" button.

If you use wildcards and there is more than one result, it will return the first it finds (so it's usually best not to, use the list) e.g. "Sexy B%" will return Sexy Blonde (because her name is alphabetically first) when maybe I really want Sexy Brooke

I rarely even use the other reduction criteria (region, race, etc). I just keep typing in the Provider Name field until I see her.

The only Providers I have ever NOT been able to find are those with no Showcase or a Hidden Showcase.

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The irony is.....Wait for it........Wait for it........

I will bet St Christopher can't find him self on it. Originally Posted by tucson

You are correct! St. Christopher can't find himself with it because he is not a Provider with a Showcase!