Double Standard......BP Girls & Strippers

I have been reading many threads down talking ladies that post on BP and ladies that dance. Well I do it all.... I work hard on my ads , which guys complain are too long, I dance at strip clubs and I have at one point in time worked at a parlor. I understand that there is a preconceived standard for these ladies, but is it really not fair to blow everyone off because of a few nut jobs... What if we were to do the same? Guys that are here in this community along with others are supposed to be the "ideal" hobbyist, yet I have had more flakes from here than on BP.. do I stop posting I post negative comments about the whole hobbyist I'm just putting this out there, just because you experience something bad, which I have, don't bad mouth everybody...You never know who you will meet and where you will meet them at
blowpop's Avatar
I think some folks just like to look down their nose a others, and they tear others down in order to feel better about themselves. Says more about them than the ones they're insulting.

The bottom line is that all providers are women. Some are wonderful, some less than wonderful, and the venue chosen for advertising (or working) doesn't define the woman.
I agree Jessica

Those who complain don't choose the right bp ladies. A little bit of research goes a long way and could save money.

Plenty of women here post on bp, so i crack up laughing when some of the gents say they hate bp ladies. Hell that is where some of us got started. Its gems on bp, just got to wade through the BS and pimps.
People make generalizations about entire groups all the time, don't sweat it. It's annoying and it can be frustrating but there are times when it just is not worth your time to try and explain. Keep doing what you do.
dearhunter's Avatar
Cream rises to the top
Jessica, I guess from my experience I've had just the opposite as you. I've had more flakes from BP than on boards like this. All experiences except 1 from this board and ASPD have been great. I can't say how many BP experiences I've had but lets just assign a number. Let's say I've had 25 experiences on BP. Out of those 25 experiences 15 have been flakes with only 4 that were exceptional and 6 that were just ok. That's not saying that girls on this board can't turn out to be flakes either. It does happen.

From the hobbyist perspective we always say that it's rare to find a true gem on BP but it does tend to happen. We know who the good girls are on BP and can link them back to this board or Horndogs or whatever. It's the ones that we don't know much about that get us. The bait-and-switches or the girls who have been trained to just get the money upfront and provide as little as possible to earn it.

I tend not to downtalk anyone who posts on BP. You run a business and you have to do what you can to make sure you market that business appropriately. I would never lump all BP girls in one basket and say that all of them suck. That would be letting the bad apples spoil the whole bunch. It's just that for as long as I've been hobbying I feel like I've wasted enough money on trying to find that rare gem on BP. I'd rather spend my money on women on this site that have been verified and have good reviews. I just usually wait for the BP girls I want to see to either have a couple of good reviews posted before I go in.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Cream rises to the top Originally Posted by dearhunter
a dancer told me , "I consider the guys on ECCIE the "Cream of Society" ... and you know what they say about cream don't ya..."

I said , " rises to the top?..."

"No" ... She said, " it's rich and thick..."
Guest091710's Avatar
i think its over all just easier to get to know someone on a board and find better, accurate, information here. Rather then just read a ad. That is the difference the powder room, the alerts, the reviews, its all quite helpful. My problem with bp is that i wouldn't want my son, neighbor, or pastor searching for a car or reading garage sale ads to stumble across the adult section and look out of curiosity, i would think buyers remorse and timewasters would be harder to spot there. Again just speculation, as i haven't placed an ad there. i know they sponsor one of the other review boards and placed a ad and my pics there w/o my consent which was also just not acceptable.
Guys that are here in this community along with others are supposed to be the "ideal" hobbyist, yet I have had more flakes from here than on BP. Originally Posted by JessicatheRabbit
I don't "hate" BP or CL, in fact I've met some great providers from those sites especially on the road. I am honest about my experiences with those sites though. And the overwhelming number of ads posted on those sites in the bigger cities are phishing scams, for girls that are clearly being pimped, bait and switch photos, or reposted ads from the same girl who posts her ad 20 times a day. And half the time when you do get a legit girl with accurate photos, you meet her and it turns out that the 50/hh deal she was advertising was for a covered HJ, anything more is an upsell!

In the smaller towns, this gets flipped on its head and most of the ads are legit with a handful of bullshit. I'm not disparaging or attacking you -- I don't know you. This isn't personal, I'm just talking about my experiences with BP and CL and they've been hit or miss. Sometimes they're great, sometimes they're not. That hasn't stopped me from using them though.

As far as ECCIE goes, I would have to say that your experience is the exception that proves the rule. I have met only one or two providers from here that I would qualify as being "not worth the time and money". The majority are professional, honest and very much worth contacting.
Jessica-- some of my favorite "times" have been with ladies who post on BP and here. Hopefully more soon. The problem BP faces is fudging through the bs (as prev. stated). As far as the flakes from ECCIE guys, don't let a couple of bad apples ruin.....
Guest091710's Avatar
This actually a great place to generate business and it doesn't cost. i hope You decide to stay and play.
I like it here.... just like I enjoyed ASPD, but most of my business has come from BP. I had been going through several post and saw almost every person in agreement about other parts of the hobbying world.
I'm not boo whooing or anything...just voicing my opinion. I still dance to this day... if I'm not on tour then that's what I do.... does that mean I'm a physco? I post on BP and I get complaints that my ads are too long... yet guys call with a million questions and complaints about how its too long, when really it has all the info you need, I get tired of hearing are those really your pics, do you have any reviews, are you legit?
I have at this for over a year... and I'm still getting the same questions and the same amount of business... what is going to take... I guess s the question I should be asking.
Well, most BP guys have no clue about boards like Eccie. They've heard about BP but have probably never seen a site like this that gives reviews, alerts, etc. The only way most of us found out about this was either thru friends or stumbling across it tring to do research on escorts. That's why they're still asking lots of questions. They haven't or wont take the time to do research.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
It's a simple numbers game... the percentage of grain to chaff on BP is exceptionally lower than on ECCIE. Looking for quality providers on ECCIE is like the line from that great documentary, "Top Gun" ... this is what we call a target rich environment.
i think its over all just easier to get to know someone on a board and find better, accurate, information here. Rather then just read a ad. That is the difference the powder room, the alerts, the reviews, its all quite helpful. Originally Posted by subcilla
Subcilla said it best right here......guys like gettn to know where your head is also before they come to visit......its about the looks but also your thinkn!!!