I Love Your Junk!

Guest012211-3's Avatar
What's your favorite "junk food"? I love chips and salsa, Lay's Potato chips, and anything from Jack-in-the-Box!

Do you have a favorite regional fast food stop or a fave at the grocery store?

Frozen pizza counts...another guilty pleasure...I feel so dirty
Pearl Man's Avatar
I love the hamburgers at Jakes, chicken fried chicken at Twin Peaks and, of course, the double meat whopper/chocolate shake. Yum. I'm hungry now.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I don't know if it counts as junk food or not....I like Wendy's chili which really does have a lot of good vegetable-type things in it. Of course when you add the large chocolate frosty, it all goes out the window!!

If you want fine dining in a gas station/carry out as featured on the Food Channel, head for Watauga.


For pure decadence in the burger world it's Five Guys Burgers and Fries on Preston in Frisco.

awl4knot's Avatar
Cheesesteaks and hot pork sandwichs with sharp provolone and broccoli rabe from John's Roast Pork in Philly. Bacon cheeseburgers from Rossi's Bar & Grill in Trenton.

Further kudos for Five Guys Burgers & Fries.

Sisyphus's Avatar
Cheesesteaks and hot pork sandwichs with sharp provolone and broccoli rabe from John's Roast Pork in Philly. Bacon cheeseburgers from Rossi's Bar & Grill in Trenton.

Further kudos for Five Guys Burgers & Fries.

Awl4knot Originally Posted by awl4knot
Five guys is STRONG!!!! I always thought the original is in No. Va. ... DC suburbs but it doesn't really matter. Damn good!!!

Ditto an authentic Philly cheesesteak. I'm partial to Gino's but I'm a 'ho for them all!!!!

I'm also a fool for....

French Fries from Thrashers on the boardwalk in Ocean City, MD
Roast Beef Sandwich from Bull on the Beach. Ditto
Fisher's Popcorn. Ditto
Onion rings from Sonic
Jack in the Box milkshakes
Taco Bell, god I love that place. Me , and Edward have our routine when returning from a late dinner date. I always go by Taco Bell, and take it home where we can eat in bed. Me with my tacos, and Ed with his bison bone we munch away very content while watching really bad reality TV shows.

It sounds goofy, but sometimes there is nothing better than Taco bell, bad TV, and a fluffy dog in your bed.
The best worst food award in Atlanta goes to The Varsity. Onion rings and their chili dogs are their biggest sellers. Lots of grease.
Sisyphus's Avatar
The best worst food award in Atlanta goes to The Varsity. Onion rings and their chili dogs are their biggest sellers. Lots of grease.
thevarsity.com Originally Posted by Ansley
It's not the grease that does it for me. Nobody likes a droopy onion ring.

Peanut oil seems to pummel any other alternative for deep frying. So, I'm guess GA has some righteous junk!!!!
Sisyphus's Avatar
Which reminds me... crab fluff*.... WAY up there!!!

* for the uninitiated, crab fluff is basically a MD-style crab cake rolled in batter & deep fried
Nobody likes a droopy onion ring. Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Maybe north of the Mason Dixon Line.
Sisyphus's Avatar
Maybe north of the Mason Dixon Line. Originally Posted by Ansley
Ans...babe...pretty sure that's universal. But, I guess I wouldn't know as MD is SOUTH of the Mason-Dixon line!!

Chili cheese nachos and Junior Mints. I've given up on ever outgrowing my taste for these.

I'm a freak for fairground food. Corndogs slathered in mustard, onion rings, elephant ears.

I'm a transplant to Texas, and there's three things I miss from home. Fry sauce. You'd have to be from the Pacific Northwest to appreciate the wonder of fry sauce. Barbeque beef burritos from this little gas station near my folks' place called the General Store. Nasty, but I grew up eating them and I haven't found them anywhere else. Zips fast food restaurants. They had a Papa Joe burger that was just all that could ever be asked of a burger, and would make a milkshake in any by-gosh flavor or flavor combination known to man. Fancy a peanut butter-pina colada milkshake? Zips would make you one. Blueberry-banana was actually really good. My sister swears by root beer-black cherry, but then she always was the strange one.
Sisyphus's Avatar
I'm a freak for fairground food. Corndogs slathered in mustard, onion rings, elephant ears. Originally Posted by EmilyHemingway
Truer words may NEVER have been spoken. Used to help a family member who did rather well hawking crab fluff & cream of crab soup at fairs & festivals all over the mid-Atlantic region.

His stuff was pretty damn good. But when I tired of that, it seemed I was always off to the booth of an extended family from Osceola, FL or someplace that did VERY well pitching "Gator Sticks." Basically, alligator meat in a really nice batter... deep fried... kabob-style...

Hell, it could have been chicken for all I knew but... Man!... that stuff was good!!!
LynetteMarie's Avatar
Brie baked in bread and red wine. So sexy as a "bed picnic" with a lover and grapes thrown in that we feed to each other.

French fry soup--the "broth" being melted chocolate ice cream.

Oberweis ice cream, especially birthday cake flavor.

So craving something sweet now..!
Jack in the Box Tacos mmmmmmmmgood !