dining at the Y

yogi692's Avatar
Question for the ladies, us men ask all the time who is the best bj in SA or best Greek... so I was curious. do you ladies talk about us men and who has the best tongue or technique? Just curious who my competition is in the area...lol
Scarlet Pimpernel's Avatar
Being new to this site, I'm no competition...yet.
Drtry1's Avatar
Good luck getting an honest answer
Gio25's Avatar
  • Gio25
  • 09-23-2018, 04:51 PM
I’ll be honest it’s ususlly the older men who are your competition 40 and up not gonna lie best men who have eaten me are always the gentleman who are twice or 3xs my age (aka I’m 24)
yogi692's Avatar
I fit into that category
Good luck getting an honest answer Originally Posted by Drtry1
To be honest, I really don’t like it.

I’d rather let a man eat one of my homemade apple pies than let him go down on me.
Definitely the older guys do it best. Must be all that experience.
Merry Minx's Avatar
In my truest opinion, the men and women who eat the best pussy - are the ones who genuinely love, and enjoy, and gain personal pleasure and satisfaction from fully pleasing a woman. To be intoxicated by her pussy, and her scent... To completely breathe her in...and familiarize yourself with her body...and her sounds...and her breathing... The way your touch causes her body to shake...or hands to tighten around your head...fingers turning into fists of your hair... Or a personal favorite of mine, perhaps - and wrapping them around your ears...

I can have my pussy eaten all day by someone that I know loves it. It is one of my absolute favorite ways to pass the time...

But if I know the person I’m with doesn’t truly enjoy it, or if I feel like they’re just going through the motion of it because they feel it’s only “fair,” or the “nice thing to do” - I’d far rather you just shove your cock in my mouth.


There is absolute truth that age tends to bring more experience...so I if I were forced to pick an age group - it would be 40+ - with it typically just getting better as the years add on. There are, of course, exceptions to this - leaning in both directions.

Regardless of how well I sucked dick back in college - without doubt - I give better head now. We learn new tricks, different techniques, gain knowledge from people we share experiences with, and mature in a way that typically allows our intuition levels to heighten - enhancing one’s sexual awareness. Therefore also enhancing their ability to please a larger, diverse group of people - or in context - of pussies... Creating a more advanced, well-rounded individual than what originated. Which would also mean, for example: that if my head game were to suck - it wouldn’t be because the skills or experience were lacking. It would be because the desire to do my very best job wasn’t there. The same goes for pussy eating. The best pussy eaters desire it... They want nothing more than to feel a woman’s clit swelling, engorged against the talent of their tongue...

Pleasing a woman, pleases them.

Familiarity of the person and their likes and dislikes helps also - but really, I think the key comes down to being in tune with your partner, and really focusing your attention and energy on the responses your motions, and movements, and touches are creating. And a person of any age - as long as a true desire exists - has the potential to master these skills. There is no secret code to making a woman cum. Every pussy is different; every clit, every dick, every physical body - and most importantly - every mind is different. And cumming - is inherently mental. If you cannot get your mind into it (or off of something else), and relax, or feel comfortable - regardless of how good something feels - it is incredibly difficult to cum.

Personally - I am an oral connoisseur. I love everything about the mouth, and oral stimulation, and slowly exploring each other’s bodies with our lips, and hands, and tongues. If I want to cum, though - unless incorporating a toy or knowledgable fingers...my pussy needs the talent of a hungry, enthusiastic lover who’s mouth cannot easily be sated. And those who have met me know just how much I love a good rooster... But when it comes right down to it - my clit needs adequate attention to cum - and even with self stimulation...it just isn’t the same. No matter how great it feels, and how much I want it, and how wet my pussy gets - I need a soft, warm tongue (finger or toy...or even a vegetablelol) focusing on my clit to make me completely, and haphazardly explode. It doesn’t take away at all from how much I love everything to do with sex and fucking. My body craves it. But in order for me to cum...the circles of a soft tongue are what my body and mind respond best to.

A naughty smile comes to face as I consider each pussy being so fascinatingly different. It allows for a constant choice of new conquest, adventure, and conquer...for those truly invested in the art of fine dining, and continuously testing their table manner skills...

I can picture, name, and describe in detail - my favorite, most standout pussy eaters. And they know it. Because I mention it every time I see them, lol. They pop into my head when I’m alone, getting myself off - and sometimes even when someone else is trying to get me off...

But my best pussy eater - is my best friend. I’m completely comfortable with him. Our chemistry is insane. He knows everything my body likes and dislikes. He can ‘torture’ her - (I refer to my pussy as “her” often, lol) - in the most incredible ways... And by ‘torture’ - I mean - make me cum so intensely, so erotically - so many times over - that more often than not, I’ve felt I could literally pass out from the simple lack of energy left to even breathe air into my lungs. That’s how powerfully an orgasm has the potential to exhaust me. And what he knows how to do each and every time. My tap out was 14. If I were a house cat, and not The Minx - I’m pretty sure that #14 would’ve been my 9th life. As a dedicated, pleasing lover, he takes his time with her...teases her slowly...showing me with his mouth and body language just how much he wants her...and me...and is turned on by her...and how much he needs to feel his tongue against her... His breath makes my body start to quiver before my panties are even off. It takes me a decent amount of time to cum (anywhere from 5-20 minutes, generally speaking) - but when I do - it’s like a fucking volcanic eruption. This is the power of a magical pussy eater. I’m just waiting for the day I accidentally suffocate one of my good boys with the strength of my thigh grip... Knowing it takes me a while to cum can sometimes mess with me mentally - especially if I can tell someone’s mouth is getting tired - because in my mind, it is easy to start focusing on the thought that they might stop before I cum - instead of allowing my body to focus on the actual sensations - which usually makes it take even longer for me to cum. It’s almost like self-sabotage, lol. So when I’m with someone that I know will not stop, no matter what, until I cum at least once - mentally, I’m all in because I know as long as I lay back, and relax, and enjoy the sensations he’s giving me...and sharing with me...I’m going to get to cum. And frankly - that is an incredible feeling. One of the things that is such a turn on - and a sign of someone truly vested in your pleasure - is that even though he’s my true pussy whisperer (and he totally knows it, lol) - he always asks what he can do to improve, or make it better for me. He always listens to what I ask of him in the moment (if I do - which is typically some kinky, less common request I fantasize about as I hold his head tightly between my thighs), and his body is completely in sync with my body. He can tell exactly how close to cumming I am by my breathing, and the way the entirety of me shakes, and jerks, and how I essentially lose control of my body’s most basic, simple movements. My breathing shallows...and I get extremely quiet right before I cum (definitely not before that, lol)...and he knows - not to change a damn thing. Not the speed. Not the movement. Not the pressure. Not the technique.

Unless of course - he’s trying to playfully ‘torture’ me...

Because when he kneels before her - all of the control is his.

So my long-winded, after 5am point is this, lol - anyone can be an amazing pussy eater. Someone you’ve known your entire life - or someone you’ve just met. Eighteen years old, or ninety nine. The key lies within being able to intoxicate yourself and truly fall in love, in that moment, with whatever pussy is lying before you. Worship her. Treat her like your most sacred treasure; as if her pussy was your only sustenance. Give her pleasure all of your focus, and attention, and lust. Sync your energy with hers; listen and feel the reactions of her body, and instead of focusing on whatever techniques you like most, or think should work best, or see the most in porn - base it on the actual beautiful being laid spread before you...open, and vulnerable...and entirely delicious... And determine and choose your motions by what her body is trying to physically tell you.

I have amazing pussy eaters who range in age from 19, all the way into their upper 80’s. They’re incredible. I have my best friend. We could be on a sinking ship, and I have zero doubt he’d be able to find a way to relax me enough to make me cum. What they all have in common - is their love for the taste, and the feel, and the smell, and the intoxication of pussy. They get pussy drunk. They can’t get enough of it. Regardless of how drenched and saturated their face is with sweet pussy juice...they still want more. They crave it. They each have a true and complete desire to make me cum. To make any woman that they’re with cum. And that desire - that intuitive ability to read a woman’s body - is what makes all the difference. It is not only the art of pleasing - but also the art of giving. And that can be learned at any age. The bonus prize, is that typically, when you give with a genuine, generous spirit - you gain so much more in return...

And that can be looked at in a few different ways...(to include returning the favor...in a very eager, thankful, ecstatically gracious way...once the woman you so expertly tantilized is able to properly function again, anyway...)

Happy pussy eating - and the eaten, happy!
Minx, thank you for that erotic eloquent explanation of what tickles your pink. You have me salivating.
Randyredhead's Avatar
Merry Minx is 100% correct and I wholeheartedly agree with her statements. Except about her boyfriend, not knowing him, I have no comment.

And Merry Minx, I'm now in love with you!
robexar's Avatar
Right On!
chippex's Avatar
MM, you are a classy lady, of exquisite taste. Can't wait to taste again!
sweet.amber.lynn.milf's Avatar
badass06's Avatar
To taste your pussy is like going to heaven I just wish I live close to SA.
Dr Grey's Avatar
I used to be a fan of it. And was told i'm pretty good. Mainly women seeing 1 to 2 clients a day. I'm not older, but will give the oldest men a run for their money. Then again, we are paying. I've heard some crazy shit while down there so its he said she said. 2 Cents...

Anymore, especially meeting women newer to the hobby, haven't figured it out volume wise. Most, and a large majority, schedule too many men for others to enjoy the pleasures of daty. Or what is very common gathering from reviews is that men are able to taste/smell the guy that was there before him (hence many reviews lately stating bad odors. Condom smell). Also, the girl may not be receptive enough to enjoy what a man is doing due to too much play. Now since most women are doing this as a profession (as opposed to something they enjoy and sparingly), it's best to forgo. In all honesty. Just from an avid perspective. Ymmv as always.

If you are lucky enough to find a low volume lady, those are ones to partake with. Otherwise, they'll say they enjoy it to take your money. Plain and simple.

I don't speak against anyone in this thread, just from experience. Dine at your own risk, and from those you may click with more, then partake and keep regular. Assuming volume is in order.

I will say this. Merry Minx is one lady I would. Even having never been with her. Need more like her hobbying.