An apology

Stallion81's Avatar
Earlier this year, I wrote a very ill conceived review of a provider. I have regretted this review for this entire year, and just wanted to say publicly that I am truly sorry for the mean and hateful things I said in the review. I hope that the provider in question will accept this apology as sincere. I'm not asking for a second chance. I just wanted to apologize for acting out of haste. I hope everyone has a great holiday season!
Moved to Co-Ed
Earlier this year, I wrote a very ill conceived review of a provider. I have regretted this review for this entire year, and just wanted to say publicly that I am truly sorry for the mean and hateful things I said in the review. I hope that the provider in question will accept this apology as sincere. I'm not asking for a second chance. I just wanted to apologize for acting out of haste. I hope everyone has a great holiday season! Originally Posted by Stallion81

i respect i for that ...
Waldo P. Emerson-Jones's Avatar
First thing I did was check your past reviews to see who you're talking about. If you truly feel there was a need to apologize (only one who should be apologizing is the provider if the negative review you wrote was honest), then maybe it's best to do privately?
Wow too much damage may have been done already im sure whoever this girl is but thats good your trying to make it better........
First thing I did was check your past reviews to see who you're talking about. If you truly feel there was a need to apologize (only one who should be apologizing is the provider if the negative review you wrote was honest), then maybe it's best to do privately? Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
I agree. Would you (the OP) mind expounding on what you are apologizing for? Was the review dishonest? Did it leave out key facts? Did you have a hidden agenda in writing it? Or do you just feel bad that your honest account had a negative impact on somebody?
An anonymous apology is meaningless and gutless. Fire away!
First thing I did was check your past reviews to see who you're talking about. If you truly feel there was a need to apologize (only one who should be apologizing is the provider if the negative review you wrote was honest), then maybe it's best to do privately? Originally Posted by Waldo P. Emerson-Jones
Maybe he did do it privately also. Since a review would have been public, perhaps he is also apologizing in public, leaving out the name to avoid drama, to anyone who might have read it. Or perhaps the provider has disappeared. Lots of things could have happened.

I say we give him the benefit of the doubt and in the spirit of peace on earth, give the guy credit for doing the honorable thing, whether or not we know the details. I'll take even an insincere apology over drama or bravado any day.

Nice post.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I agree. Would you (the OP) mind expounding on what you are apologizing for? Was the review dishonest? Did it leave out key facts? Did you have a hidden agenda in writing it? Or do you just feel bad that your honest account had a negative impact on somebody? Originally Posted by TheBizz
They say confession is good for the soul, but I thunk confession requires a few more details. I agree with TheBizz!!
berkleigh's Avatar
Nope, The Provider did not disappear.

Yes, I recieved an apology via email today from him.

In my opinion, I am calling bullshit.
This Thread was just to start drama.

Do I accept his apology? FUCK NO. End of Story.

The damage was done already, now its re-opened. Seriously?

I said what I needed and suggest this be closed.
No matter what, I will not come back on this Thread. Its Drama. Move on.

pyramider's Avatar
I bet that Stallion was so tore up that it only took 10 months to own up to his mistake. Really . . . Really . . . You are supposably a grown up and you are just now realizing you made a boo boo. I did not read or attempt to read the review so I do not know what what stated. If it was a honest review I do not understand why an apology would be necessary. If he had a bad day, he should have realized long before December and made any corrections a long time ago.
Ok, I read the review, and honestly, it's not that bad. Definitely not what I thought after reading this thread. Typical shit happens kind of stuff, but nothing deserved of a long held guilt and 10 months in the making apology (or berk being as pissed as she seems to be). Probably more to it. I agree with Berkleigh, this seems just to be about re-stirring settled drama.
Torito's Avatar
And we have he said/she said. Time to move on.
