Provider has a male in bathroom???

Well recently I met with a local provider who I have seen a few time. I felt kind of uncomfortable since the bathroom was closed. So I kindly asked to used the bathroom and she declined and said it was not working. Then I was a bit hesitant and asked if she could just open the door for me. She said someone was in the bathroom because they had nowhere to go. I go I don't care just open the door. she opened up the door. It was some heavy set mid 50's year old male individual. I was pretty annoyed and surprised and though it was a cop. But he said its okay and nothing will happen.
He was nice though and told me he had nowhere to go and was staying with her for awhile till his car ride came and it was cold outside. Wuts weird is his car was in the parking lot.

I went through with the session because I did not want to waste my night plus she is nice as well. but just found it quite annoying that some male was inside the bathroom during our session.

if this was my first time seeing her I would of bailed on the spot. Quite weird how people can hide in the bathroom with out you knowing it.

Wut would you guys of done. do you think I did the right thing.
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 12-10-2013, 11:16 PM
What if you had to pee?
gaijin1969's Avatar
I have read of some guys always checking the rooms to insure they're alone. Most times they find the girls travel partner.... others a pimp. Or just a pile of cum rags lol

Still GP.... the guy seemed pleasant enough.... I am sure he would've let dlm take a piss

Maybe it was another john that just liked to watch? Lol
ben dover's Avatar
Probably some guy that paid her to listen in or peek while you were banging her. How did you know his car was in the parking lot?
Lexxxy's Avatar
Bwwwahahahaha funny but not funny at all, I would have been mad. Usually it's The other way around, gents ask to have other gents watch more than gents ask to watch in my experience. I have entertained at my sds house a little over 20 times. I just explain "sorry you caught me after my advertised dates but I'm still local if you don't mind that my sd will be in The garage/pool/basement/wherever." Usually The next question is "can he watch" or "can he join in?" Or "is he bi?" Or the other 50% don't care or ask and just book. I've had 3 decline 1 because it was an hour drive and 2 because they would rather see me at a hotel with more privacy which I completely understand.
Some have changed their minds on having him watch once they are shocked at how diff he is than they pictured. He's not some little old guy like some imagine sds , he's in his 30s and pretty much built and dresses like opie from sons of anarchy even with The stupid beard sometimes(no shave November)*rolls eyes*. I think some are shocked that he's blue collar money and really fit from manual labor because that's the opposite of what they subconsciously stereotype.
trojantide's Avatar
I would've bailed immediately. (course I'm thinking with the big head right now)
Even if I thought I could easily take the guy, I'd be too nervous during the session that they are trying to rob me. I also don't like any sign of being managed although that is rare. It doesn't sound like it in this case. Remember evil people can act really nice when they are setting up the sting.
she should have told you prior to arriving that there would be an additional person
in the room/bathroom..regardless if you have seen her many basically gave her the green light to do this anytime you arrive..i am not gonna give advice or presume that you will be safe every time that the lady or ladies do this...they get away with what you allow them too..this goes for both clients and providers..ijs..i would have been very leary about that situation..its a recipe for future disasters..
Plastic Man's Avatar
Amazing simply amazing. So desperate to fuck you think a guy hiding in the bathroom is a go? The number of things that could have gone down while you are balls deep in a hooker could fill a book but you couldn't waste that night because he seemed nice.
Gotyour6's Avatar
You guys kill me.

One day you will be in the newspaper because they found you rolled in a carpet.
alphonse1948's Avatar
DIM great handle!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Guest042416's Avatar
i would have bailed, lol
Guest042416's Avatar
osd was that you hiding?
The Drummer's Avatar
osd was that you hiding? Originally Posted by bjwstw
Yes. He was performing an "Odd Job for Hookers". He was trying to unplug the toilet. Don't take me seriously, OSD. I'm just joking with you. I have way too much time on my hands lately! You know why.
Frankie Fine's Avatar's a strange thought. Start bringing another lady to occupy the guy in the bathroom, jk

I have heard so many stories similar to that, kinda creepy and scary.