Update of my Premium access

I wrote two reviews about 2-3 days ago and I have not been granted premium access.

Would you please give me an update on this matter.

Thank you
Namssa's Avatar
They were not processed because date says early July, need a better date. There are 153 reviews in the que waiting to be processed, those with all the information filled in correctly get proccessed quickly the rest wait until someone either has time to contact the poster for corrections or another mod hurries to approve/disapprove to clear reviews.
rubberbiscuit's Avatar
I have the same problem.
Torito's Avatar
Not everyone realizes that staff is unpaid volunteer labor. They have real lives, jobs, families. We just finished a holiday week. Many people are not available to take care of ECCIE business. Those of us that were able to help have been snowed under. I have processed as many as 70 review in a day recently. I am sure others have as well. There are many other chores to take care of. During the last week it has not been possible to keep up. One of the major chores has been responding to emails and PMs asking "why has my review not been approved". It takes as much time to give a response as it does to process a review. I have many PMs with requests for help that I have not yet done. I will as soon as we have time to catch up.
