The Black Guy's Guide to effective hobbying

clarkkentglasses's Avatar
A new NBA thread in the dallas Coed section gave me the idea. I don't have time to add a bunch of stuff in right now. So anyone with experience in this chime in! Please no flaming this could be the end to "no Black guy" threads as we know it!
I have several black clients, clarkkentglasses. They're wonderful guys, and I wouldn't trade them for the world. The guys are thoughtful, and respectful, no different than my other clients.

From the tone of your post, I gather that black men have a more difficult time getting a date. Does this occur more often in certain areas of the country?

I can't speak for all the ladies here in the Cleveland area, but I'd say the vast majority of girls are open-minded in that respect.

Can you post a link to the thread you're referring to?
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I think the fastest way to stay on the negative side of a situation is to complain about something. We are all adults and no one likes to listen to a complainer. Most here have wives and or kids that do this.

Instead focus your efforts on showing the lady you are the exception and not the reason she made the rule in the first place. Introduce yourselves at socials and hold a normal conversation. This means without bringing up how come she doesn't see black men. Then after she sees your a cool guy, send her a PM and let her know you enjoyed her company and you would like to see her again.

The whole key here is to be a gentleman. Being a gentleman will put you miles ahead of the competition. Maybe it works, and maybe there isn't anything you can do to change her mind. Bottom line is complaining about it in a thread obviously doesn't work so why not try a different way. You attract more flies with honey than with vinegar.

shooter6.5's Avatar
I will leave this open as long as it stays peaceful and respectful. If it goes off course or gets foolish then it is done--and so are the posters who cause it to go that way. We want the board to stay peaceful and respectful.

To the topic: If I were a black gentleman and I saw that a particular provider did not want to see black men then WHY would I want to see her. I know going into the session that I am starting off with a possibly negative attitude. I would move on. There are a lot of very nice ladies around that enjoy the company of gentleman regardless of race--or penis size. I really lucked out there. Being tiny, does have it's advantages. Sorry I lost my train of thought.

I know a lot of ladies who have their preferences as to the men they visit. Some won't see young guys--some old guys--some fat guys--some dirty guys. I know a lady in the past that would toss you out if you were not clean and declined a shower. I liked her!!!

There are a number of ladies out there who guys do not see also. This could go on for a long time--but there is no need for that. Find your comfort level and enjoy yourself regardless of who it is with.

Have a great day--and go shooting!!
Dana, your insight about it being regional is very interesting. I suspect you're right because the topic seems new to you~ whereas those of us in Dallas see it about every three weeks.

Here's the most recent link:

[ame=""]If you're white, you're alright!!! - ECCIE - Your source for escort reviews[/ame]
Just before aspd shut down someone started a thread like this and all it did was start an ongoing arguement.
Personally I think threads like this shouldn't even be allowed.personally I am here to have fun and I can assure you this won't be.
It's like talking about religion or politics people always get offended.
From the tone of your post, I gather that black men have a more difficult time getting a date. Does this occur more often in certain areas of the country?

I can't speak for all the ladies here in the Cleveland area, but I'd say the vast majority of girls are open-minded in that respect.

Can you post a link to the thread you're referring to? Originally Posted by Dana001
i am curious too, i've never talked to other girls expressing racism here in NY. personally i can't resist black dick!!
  • Mjay
  • 01-12-2010, 09:44 AM
This subject is old and tired just like steroids in baseball, and the OJ case.
  • npita
  • 01-12-2010, 10:09 AM
The ``Black Guy's Guide to Effective Hobbying'' is the same as ``Everyone's Guide to Effective Hobbying.'' See providers who want you as a client.
Just before aspd shut down someone started a thread like this and all it did was start an ongoing arguement.
Personally I think threads like this shouldn't even be allowed.personally I am here to have fun and I can assure you this won't be.
It's like talking about religion or politics people always get offended. Originally Posted by looiecypher
I agree with looiecypher, this type of thing never goes well. Just have fun and hang loose my brotha's & sista's...
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
yeah i had high hopes. i thought i was going to come back to some wayne brady jokes or something. Then all I get is blah!

I've never actually been denied an app for my demograhpics although I know it happens but, I was hoping byron would chime with how to get one of those coveted apps with an NBA provider.
I'm from Memphis, TN, born and raised and it is an issue. With me? No. But I have friends who do experience discrimination because of their color.

If a provider doesn't see a race or type, that's her choice. Yes, it will affect her business. But it is a personal business. We all pick our place between the personal and the business. If she declines to see your type, move on. You won't change her mind.

Non-white clients are often treated differently than their pinker counterparts.

For me, I choose to see or not to see people based on the first impression they give me. Race has much less to do with it than attitude does.

But we can always remember that famous line from Forest Gump:

"Life is like a box of vanillas."
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I do know ClarkKentglasses... and I think many of you misinterpreted his intent or it's even possible Clark didn't phrase it right.

A lot of what he was going for was positive, lighted hearted do's and dont's! Could have been fun.

However, the mention of AA men and White girls who won't see them set off a spark of controversial comments.

In that respect, yes, the topic is old.

Clark, my good friend, you probably want to kill this thread. SP Hunter will oblige if you PM him.

Sorry you got jumped on!



(P.S. if you get a chance to see Clark, he is a very sweet and respectful guy!)
Lea, was I bashing or adding drama? Didn't mean to. It's a touchy subject yes, but it's a valid thread. Like you, I didn't take Clark's intent as drama related but as a light hearted attempt to address a real issue. (It's a real issue in my "market")

If it's inappropriate here, let's move it to MS where Big C can stand over us with his big "stick" and make sure we all play nice. (He likes to do that anyways)
There are men also who won't see women that *will* visit with AA men. Funny how racism runs back and forth from every angle, isn't it? I fail to see why this issue is such a hobby hot button though, if someone doesn't want to see me (for whatever reason) then my attitude is "Good, more time to see someone who will truly enjoy my company and treat me well." I've yet to learn how to change people however, I do keep a long list laying around just in case I figure it out. If ever I should solve that problem I promise this will be the first place that I post it.