Who's Living In An Area Where The Air And Water Isn't Clean?

Turn on Net/TV and these Dim politicians keep talking about "clean air and water?" Is your air and water NOT clean? If so, where abouts do you live?

I'm in the Houston area and it is beautiful here. Even with the Refineries nearby. No haze, tap water clear, just a great time to go fishing.

Other than some places in MI that the Dims decimated I can't think of a single area in the contiguous USA that is lacking.
The big lie is that we have not made great strides in cleaning up all fossil fuel issues.

I have lived on the Gulf Coast my entire life. In the '50's through the '70's, things were bad. The ship channel was a black sewer. The "haze" over the entire area was not fog.

Those days are gone. People have no idea how clean refineries, power plants, and automobiles are now.

The reason Houston is do bad in July through August is we are in a coastal bend of a major body of water. It gets hot and humid. It's been that way foe eons.

I drive a GMC Denali 4 door pickup, long bed. That thing weighs over 6000 lbs and has a 420 HP engine. It get 23 miles to the gallon!! That's what a 6 cylinder sedan got back in the '80's.

I look for the next big breakthrough to be ultra clean coal. With today's technology, we will figure out ways to use all of our fossil fuel resources while having a minimum affect on the environment.

We have more oil and coal than anybody. Let's use it in conjunction with wind, water, solar and yes, even nuclear to stay on top.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The big lie is that we have not made great strides in cleaning up all fossil fuel issues.

I have lived on the Gulf Coast my entire life. In the '50's through the '70's, things were bad. The ship channel was a black sewer. The "haze" over the entire area was not fog.

Those days are gone. People have no idea how clean refineries, power plants, and automobiles are now.

The reason Houston is do bad in July through August is we are in a coastal bend of a major body of water. It gets hot and humid. It's been that way foe eons.

I drive a GMC Denali 4 door pickup, long bed. That thing weighs over 6000 lbs and has a 420 HP engine. It get 23 miles to the gallon!! That's what a 6 cylinder sedan got back in the '80's.

I look for the next big breakthrough to be ultra clean coal. With today's technology, we will figure out ways to use all of our fossil fuel resources while having a minimum affect on the environment.

We have more oil and coal than anybody. Let's use it in conjunction with wind, water, solar and yes, even nuclear to stay on top. Originally Posted by Jackie S
OK, my friend. Please explain how “clean” oil refineries, power plants and automobiles are now.

I think you’re right that many people don’t know this. In fact, I’d venture to say only a small segment of the population do know it. Probably about the same percentage who believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or that Trump tells the truth.

You don’t give a shit, I get it.

But do yourself a big favor, and don’t try to argue scientific with beliefs based on political, industry propaganda. It makes you sound, I don’t know, compromised and willing.
OK, my friend. Please explain how “clean” oil refineries, power plants and automobiles are now.

I think you’re right that many people don’t know this. In fact, I’d venture to say only a small segment of the population do know it. Probably about the same percentage who believe in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy or that Trump tells the truth.

You don’t give a shit, I get it. You don’t believe in science. You refuse,to accept fact. You’re not alone,

But do yourself a favor, and don’t argue science with belief. It makes you look, I don’t know, kinda compromised, bro. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are stuck in the '80's.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And you didn’t provide a shred of proof.
The 1880's.

BTW, the topic of this thread is "Clean Air and Water." It's not "do you believe in my version of science."
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Dems get confused over what pollution is and what their theory of CO2 green house effect is.

They think CO2 is a pollutant which it is not.

As a matter of fact non of the so called green house gases dirty our air and water.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The 1880's.

BTW, the topic of this thread is "Clean Air and Water." It's not "do you believe in my version of science." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Frankly, I trust the findings of the American Lung Association than any of y'all eyeballing the horizon in the Bay Area. LOL!


Among the key findings are:
  • More than four in 10 people (41.4 percent) in the United States live in counties that have unhealthful levels of either ozone or particle pollution. More than 133.9 million Americans live in 215 counties where they breathe unhealthful levels of air pollution in the form of either ozone or short-term or year-round levels of particles.
  • More people suffered unhealthy air in 2014-2016 than in the years covered by the 2017 report (2013-2015), when the total was only 125 million. However, these are still far below the 166 million in the years covered in the 2016 report (2012-2014).
  • This change reflects continued challenges in dealing with the impacts of the changing climate, as well as long-term progress in reducing harmful air pollution under the Clean Air Act.
  • Progress would have been greater if climate change had not helped to create conditions that added days of high ozone.
  • Nearly four in 10 (39.9 percent) of the people in the United States live in areas with unhealthy levels of ozone pollution, about 12.4 million more people in 2014-2016 than in the previous report. Approximately 128.9 million people live in 185 counties that earned an F for ozone this year’s report, significantly more than the approximately 116.5 million who lived in counties earning an F in 2013-2015.
  • More than 9.8 million people (3 percent) suffered from unhealthy year-round levels of particle pollution in 2014-2016. These people lived in 16 counties where the annual average concentration of particle pollution was too high. Although still too many, fewer people faced those dangerous year-round concentrations during this period than in last year’s report. That report covered 2013-2015 when approximately 18 million people lived where monitors recorded unhealthy levels of year-round particle pollution. In this year’s report, the lower tally of populations exposed is likely due to missing population data from two counties with incomplete data—Los Angeles County and San Bernardino County in California. Adding in those two would increase the total by 12 million.
  • More than one in 10 people in the United States—more than 35.1 million—live in an area with too many days with unhealthful levels of particle pollution. Slightly fewer people lived where those episodes of unhealthy spikes in particle pollution occurred in 2014-2016 than in the previous report. The total population exposed to too many episodes of high particle pollution dropped slightly to 35.1 million, fewer than the 43.0 million in 2013-2015 and well below the 45.0 million in the 2016 report.
  • Nearly 7.7 million people (2.4 percent) live in 10 counties with unhealthful levels of all three: ozone and short-term and year-round particle pollution in 2014-2016. This is far fewer than the 18 million people who lived in such counties in the years covered in the 2017 report. However, two California counties that would likely have been in this group lacked complete data; had data been available for them, the total population with unhealthy air for all three would have risen to more than 19 million. In addition, data remain missing for particle pollution for all of Illinois.

That's air. There are LOTS of other sources for this information.
  • oeb11
  • 02-12-2019, 03:43 PM
Interesting information.
You in favor of the green New Deal as a response?
winn dixie's Avatar
OMG. What isn't harmful to our health? The state of kalifournia deems everything causes cancer. The facts are that since the late seventies our environment has drastically improved. Climate change is not man made but a natural reciprocal event that is in a constant cycle
Frankly, I trust the findings of the American Lung Association than any of y'all eyeballing the horizon in the Bay Area. LOL! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Off topic. RTM'ed.

I'm asking for personal experience where posters aren't experiencing clean air or water..
Danielle Silver's Avatar
Off topic. RTM'ed.

I'm asking for personal experience where posters aren't experiencing clean air or water.. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Really????? Not once did your opening statement say anything about personal Experience...
Just about where you live.

And the whole world is dirty and polluted with shitty ass water.

Sure I did.

"WHO is living..."
"Is YOUR air and water NOT clean? If so, where abouts do YOU live?"

That's the point of the thread. To understand where the AIR and WATER is not clean from personal experience.

Not by what some special interest group, government agency or political party may say.

So where do you live where the water is shitty?

I am assuming that the target audience is the US, not the whole world.

pyramider's Avatar
Salt Lake City, UT. SLC is in a valley. By the 2 pm you can look down into SLC and see nothing but soot.

Los Angeles, CA. So much pollution.

Beaumont, TX. So much oil in the air from the refineries.
Thanks 4sides but recently? I've driven by Beaumount many times. It doesn't stink like it did 20 years.

Last time (and the only time) I drove through LA it wasn't hazy. I heard it was incredibly hazy in the 60s and 70s back when they had leaded gas.

Not doubting your experience, just wanna know when.