What is your definition of "woman"?

LexusLover's Avatar
Emerged from the womb with a vagina, who was not afflicted with Rokitansky syndrome.

Rokitansky syndrome: It is a congenital malformation which occurs during pregnancy, and results in the birth of girls who do not develop, or incipiently develop the tubes of the uterus, neck and vagina. The ovaries, on the other hand, are present and functional.
I saw a video the other day of a WOMAN telling another spectator of the "infamous swim meet" in which a MAN beat the WOMEN in the swimming race ...

... who asked her if she is a "biologist"! She answered:

No, and I'm not a vet either, but I know what a dog is. (NOT A QUOTE!*)

*I just wanted to inform the petty, immature brain-dead loudmouths on here that it was not my intention to portray what I posted as a "direct quote"! That will hopefully avoid 100's of stupid pictures and "headlines" subsequently.

Now, should a United States Supreme Court Justice be able to define "woman"?

We already have one who can't count and also can't tell the truth. Do we need another one who doesn't know what a vagina is and also can't tell the truth?

Note: Wiki Quote:
In 1996, Jackson married surgeon Patrick Graves Jackson, whose family is considered Boston Brahmins. Through her marriage, she is related to former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.[99] Patrick Jackson is descended from Jonathan Jackson, a delegate to the Continental Congress, and is related to Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.[100][unreliable source?] The couple have two daughters.[101] Jackson is a non-denominational Protestant.[102]
Academic/rhetorical question: How do they know they are "daughters"?

Or did Wiki take a peak?
adav8s28's Avatar
Female - XX chromosomes

Male - XY chromosomes

Note: with these definitions Bruce/Katelyn Jenner is still a boy. That also means that Chaz Bono is still a girl. She doesn't look like a girl anymore though.
Female - XX chromosomes

Male - XY chromosomes

Note: with these definitions Bruce/Katelyn Jenner is still a boy. That also means that Chaz Bono is still a girl. She doesn't look like a girl anymore though. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I bet “Katelyn” can still beat “her” meat.
Bono went from being a fat ugly girl to looking like a fat ugly guy.
Female - XX chromosomes

Male - XY chromosomes

Note: with these definitions Bruce/Katelyn Jenner is still a boy. That also means that Chaz Bono is still a girl. She doesn't look like a girl anymore though. Originally Posted by adav8s28
It's called Gender Identity Disorder. Someone who is born as one gender but aspires to live their lives as the opposite gender they were born as has Gender Identity Disorder. It's a psychlogical anomaly pure and simple. These people can't help it and there is no need to applaud them.
the question is a valid legal question

as various protections and fundings are made based upon the definition

for example there are at least 8 laws protecting women in the workplace

it is strange that a supreme court nominee cant provide even a layman's definition of woman

well cant isnt the right word, wont is likely the word

why wont she? well several reasons, including potentially angering others of her same world view

or looking the fool before americans in the glaring light of her nomination process should she be true to the leftists

another reason might be found in how she will decide cases that might come before her, cases brought by "women" not fitting the biological definition of woman

her answer was a pitiful, "i'm not a biologist", which made her look the fool, but not quite the same fool if she had stated the definition or non-definition the left clings to

well that deferring makes no sense on several fronts, but suffice it to say that if it requires a biologist to answer, the answer would then seemingly be based on biology

but dont dig into that any deeper, for then her logic will fail completely

just add this to a long list of other anti-scientific positions of the left and their redefining words to fit their desires and the conundrums it foists upon society
LexusLover's Avatar
just add this to a long list of other anti-scientific positions of the left and their redefining words to fit their desires Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
which includes that last duffus installed on THE COURT who announced in the recent, well-publicized appellate hearing before THE COURT that 100,000 children had died from Covid ...

... is that also "their redefining words to fit their desires"?

Or was Sotomayer smooth-ass LYING? Like the latest installation is.

Both of those unintellectual, affirmative action appointees need extracting!

Skin color and gender is NOT in the least bit satisfactory for job selection to a life-appointed, life-changing, final-decision government job!

At least this POS we can toss to the curb in four years, if not sooner!

LexusLover's Avatar
The Retards who implemented affirmative action voting in 2020 are responsible.
the question is a valid legal question

as various protections and fundings are made based upon the definition

for example there are at least 8 laws protecting women in the workplace

it is strange that a supreme court nominee cant provide even a layman's definition of woman

well cant isnt the right word, wont is likely the word

why wont she? well several reasons, including potentially angering others of her same world view

or looking the fool before americans in the glaring light of her nomination process should she be true to the leftists

another reason might be found in how she will decide cases that might come before her, cases brought by "women" not fitting the biological definition of woman

her answer was a pitiful, "i'm not a biologist", which made her look the fool, but not quite the same fool if she had stated the definition or non-definition the left clings to

well that deferring makes no sense on several fronts, but suffice it to say that if it requires a biologist to answer, the answer would then seemingly be based on biology

but dont dig into that any deeper, for then her logic will fail completely

just add this to a long list of other anti-scientific positions of the left and their redefining words to fit their desires and the conundrums it foists upon society Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
She can give an accurate definition of what a women is. Any adult is capable of that, it doesn't require a Biology degree. The reason she made that off the wall statement is because of the Transgender community and some of these other clowns who make up alternative gender definitions that defy biological and psychological factors of gender, example "Gender Fluidity". This is how society is destroyed by pandering to this kind of bullshit.
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  • WTF
  • 03-24-2022, 01:51 PM
It's called Gender Identity Disorder. Someone who is born as one gender but aspires to live their lives as the opposite gender they were born as has Gender Identity Disorder. It's a psychlogical anomaly pure and simple. These people can't help it and there is no need to applaud them. Originally Posted by Levianon17
...nor condemn them
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  • 03-24-2022, 01:55 PM
What is your definition of "woman"?
Originally Posted by LexusLover
From your wish washy emotional posts....I'd define your inner self as a little bitch. No matter your chromosomal content.
adav8s28's Avatar

At least this POS we can toss to the curb in four years, if not sooner!

Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, didn't you post that Kamala Harris was fuckable three years ago? You don't like her now that she is Vice President?
LexusLover's Avatar
LL, didn't you post that Kamala Harris was fuckable three years ago? You don't like her now that she is Vice President? Originally Posted by adav8s28
I've known probably more "fuckable" ladies than you, but I don't recall any who were VPOTUS material. There's a difference, but I can understand why folks who voted for Bitten & Kackles don't know the qualities and characteristics required to be POTUS & VPOTUS. It shows daily in this country and is on full blast right now.

You've probably forgotten her "approval rating" (if that's what one would call it) when she dropped out of the running for POTUS. The Dumbocrats didn't even want her! But she qualified for the Skin-Gender Test!
...nor condemn them Originally Posted by WTF
I condemn anyone who pretends to be something they are not, ok Mr. Righteous.
matchingmole's Avatar
It's called Gender Identity Disorder. Someone who is born as one gender but aspires to live their lives as the opposite gender they were born as has Gender Identity Disorder. It's a psychlogical anomaly pure and simple. These people can't help it and there is no need to applaud them. Originally Posted by Levianon17
no wonder mtg is so ugly
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingtroll