So this finally happened...

I've heard stories of girls getting threatened with "a poor review" if she didn't do A, B and C all while doing a back bend lol... So It finally happened to me and it made me realise that the term "trick" has it's purpouse.
I'm not gonna name name's but I saw a gentleman on christmas day that scheduled to spend an hr with me.(same day, which im not a fan of but it I agreed to meet with him, Afterall it's xmas!. I thought that we both had a blast and seemed to get along just fine untill RIGHT AT THE HOUR MARK- then he decides he wants to go for round two.
After I nicely tell him that out time has been (at least once maybe twice) spent... he said "jokingly' You're gonna just kick me out with a b***r, I'm gonna write a bad review.
Civilian Me would've just bent over and taken it. and been slightly put off the next time he calls.
BUT the provider in me piped up and said ," Go ahead, One bad apple.. shit the rest are all great"

-Guys keep in mind: You take care or Momma SHE'LL TAKE CARE OF YOU.-
If you have to ask what I mean by that... You haven't had your DESIRES filled lmao
Sarunga's Avatar
Since this is hobby-related....this should probably be in COED.
Yikes! That sucks. I've had something similar, but it was over the phone...not face to face. If it was face to face I'd get out my tazzer if the jerk wouldn't stop being a smartass asshole. They know the rules. You did the right thing by sticking up for yourself instead of letting him take advantage of you. You should give partial info so other ladies can be aware of this guy in case he tries it again or does something worse. And you're bad review won't hurt you. Shit I have like 5 bad ones and it's not hurting me haha
Do not sweat it.... 1 bad review does not scratch you off anyone's list.. and all you need to do is let other providers know who this jerkwad is..

if he had been SMART he would have brought extra $$$ and see if he could get some extra goodies or time for extra $$$$$ ...

All he has accomplished is getting himself scratched off your list as a "nice guy to see again" and possibly scratched off other providers lists as "a potential client"
chrissy's Avatar
what a shit head! That's another reason why I am particular on who I accept reviews from, I am on tour 8months out of the year, I am sure to make it a point to only get one/two reviews per city to show I am still like my pix, my services are still the same ect ect ect...I'm sorry he did that to you...even research and screening doesn't tell us if they are asshole potential..
blowpop's Avatar
Katelyn, that guy sounds like a jerk. If the provider chooses to extend a session that's her call, but the guy should never try to blackmail her into doing it. Even jokingly.

Chrissy, I didn't realize that providers had the option to decide who writes reviews and who doesn't.
fishn_fool's Avatar
Yikes! That sucks. I've had something similar, but it was over the phone...not face to face. If it was face to face I'd get out my tazzer if the jerk wouldn't stop being a smartass asshole. They know the rules. You did the right thing by sticking up for yourself instead of letting him take advantage of you. You should give partial info so other ladies can be aware of this guy in case he tries it again or does something worse. And you're bad review won't hurt you. Shit I have like 5 bad ones and it's not hurting me haha Originally Posted by Jemma Martin
Does the tazzer cost extra?
Does the tazzer cost extra? Originally Posted by fishn_fool
(sarcastic voice) ha ha ha.
Sarunga's Avatar
Watchout guys! She has a TASER...
Jack Flash's Avatar
I prefer a cattle prod but that's just me.
pyramider's Avatar
Just thinck of it as a crackling good time.
Watchout guys! She has a TASER... Originally Posted by Sarunga
Just like all the alerts...girls need some form of protection for the psycho guys.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Just like all the alerts...girls need some form of protection for the psycho guys.
Just be careful and don't overreact with that thing or you might get yourself in a situation you can't get out of. It would have been smarter if hadn't disclosed that you had any form of protection. The less people know what to expect the better off you are
BaldGuy82's Avatar
Kate, YOU STILL OWE ME! I haven't forgotten!
Jack Flash's Avatar
Jemma... taser.... I'm starting to think I need another visit. Kina kinky!!!