Asian girl handcuffed, beaten and throw out of moving patrol car (officers get caught on camera)

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
CCTV footage on DS website with news article

Youtube video of actual event

Her dress was pulled down to her waist as show on picture and video which left questions about what exactly the police were doing to her in the patrol car before being ejected out of it.

She is a college graduate student, with high honors btw.
According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, a handcuffed woman was ejected from a moving patrol car, resulting in serious injuries for the woman and a rising number of questions surrounding the officers’ version of events.

In the L.A. city of Koreatown during the early morning hours of March 17, 28 year-old Kim Nguyen and her friends were waiting in a parking lot to be picked up by a designated driver. According to her interview with the LA Times, Nguyen said that a pair of LAPD officers drove by, stopped, and approached Kim to question her and her two male friends.

After a series of events, Nguyen was then handcuffed and placed in the back of a patrol car for “public intoxication.”

As the patrol car travelled along the street, a surveillance camera on a nearby building shows the vehicle approaching an intersection. Seconds later, the camera pans a few feet and Nguyen can be seen lying in the street, still handcuffed, with her dress pulled down by her waist and blood visible on her face.

Nguyen says she does not remember falling out of the car, but says she knows she didn’t open the door herself since she was handcuffed.

According to the report reviewed by the LA Times, paramedics said the officers claimed that the patrol car came to a stop at an intersection and Nguyen fell out as the vehicle then accelerated to 10 mph.

But the video contradicts that claim, showing that the patrol car was traveling at a much faster speed without stopping or slowing at the intersection.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So, you really think they threw her out of the car? Get real. How about she was kicking and shoved the unlocked door open with her feet, and tried to escape?
What race were the officers involved? Were they the all purpose bad guys, white men, or was this a typically mixed presentation?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
:Live by the security camera, die by the security camera. I don't know what happened and can only look at the video keeping in mind that there could be some editing. I find it very troubling that everyone (the police) is just standing around when she is laying in the street obviously injured. The other, she was arrested for public drunkedness. Thats all. I have to imagine that you have to be drunk and a problem to get arrested. I do think that using the word beaten in the title is not right.

The LA Times names the officers involved as David Shin, a three-year veteran of the force, and Jin Oh, who has been a cop since 2008.
LexusLover's Avatar
Get real. How about she was kicking and shoved the unlocked door open with her feet, and tried to escape? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Probably not. Ever been in the back seat of a patrol car.

She may have kicked out the window ... and she doesn't look cuffed in the pic.

Also the headline below the video says she fell from the vehicle.... I didn't listen to the audio, but ....

didn't see anyone falling or being thrown from the vehicle.

Hopefully the units will have dash cam and internal cam pointed toward the back seat.
LovingKayla's Avatar
I agree. You aren't kicking a patrol car door open. The hulk couldn't kick a patrol car door open. Just the fact police were involved in inflicting injury AT ALL and then running off is way bad man. But it's California. What's you expect?
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
So, you really think they threw her out of the car? Get real. How about she was kicking and shoved the unlocked door open with her feet, and tried to escape?
What race were the officers involved? Were they the all purpose bad guys, white men, or was this a typically mixed presentation? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You can't kick your way out of a squad car once you are in the back. In fact I was detained once and there were no handles in the back of the squad car I was in. It would take a great deal of force to knock out the window of a squad car. She is handcuffed in that picture, they say she was handcuffed. They had her handcuffed when the put her into the vehicle. Her dress is down to her hips. How does her dress get down to her hips like that, unless someone was pulling her clothes off or down. Yea, this whole story stinks here with the cops. In fact she is a student, an honor student. They claim she was drunk, but there was no blood test taken, no breathalizer test done etc.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Here is the LA Times news article on this A lawsuit has already been filed btw.

Quoted from LA Times: As the officers traveled east along Olympic Boulevard, a surveillance camera on a nearby building recorded video showing the vehicle approaching the intersection at Grand Avenue at 3:08 a.m., according to Nguyen's attorney, Arnoldo Casillas, who provided a copy of footage he said came from the surveillance camera.

Seconds later, the surveillance camera pans a few feet and shows Nguyen lying in the street, apparently still handcuffed and with the top of her dress down around her waist and blood visible on her head and face.

Nguyen and her attorney said her jaw was shattered and that she suffered bleeding on her brain. To perform the first of three surgeries on her jaw, doctors kept Nguyen heavily sedated for days, she said. She also lost several teeth.

In a report on the incident reviewed by The Times, the paramedics said the police officers claimed the officer driving came to a stop at the intersection and that Nguyen fell out of the car as it accelerated to about 10 mph.

The video, however, shows the patrol car traveling at what appears to be a much faster speed and passing through the intersection without stopping or slowing.
LexusLover's Avatar
...and then running off is way bad man. But it's California. What's you expect? Originally Posted by LovingKayla
The cam shows a unit slowing and a 2nd unit stopping and an officer exiting. There was no evidence on the cam of anyone "running off" ... except some civilian vehicles hauling ass ..... the still shot was her lying on the asphalt with no cuff on ....

FYI she can kick the window out of the until. And if she dove out the window it could have torn her dress down as she went head first and she would be bloody from any glass cuts or hitting the pavement.

But if a lawsuit is filed then the truth will be revealed... even if it's never posted on here.
How about a simple explanation.

The door wasn't closed right. She was drunk and leaning against it. And when the cop car made the turn, the door swung open and she fell out.

I don't see anything in the video tape to contradict that.\
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Probably not. Ever been in the back seat of a patrol car.

She may have kicked out the window ... and she doesn't look cuffed in the pic.

Also the headline below the video says she fell from the vehicle.... I didn't listen to the audio, but ....

didn't see anyone falling or being thrown from the vehicle.

Hopefully the units will have dash cam and internal cam pointed toward the back seat. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No, I have never been in the back of a police car.
However, it looks like both cops were Asians, so whitey is off the hook, the story doesn't play into the anti-white narrative, so it will blow over.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 12:23 PM
No, I have never been in the back of a police car.
However, it looks like both cops were Asians, so whitey is off the hook, the story doesn't play into the anti-white narrative, so it will blow over. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL, did she remind you of the Asian girls you like to fuc? All beat up, laying on the ground waiting for your cheap ass to come take advantage of her!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL, did she remind you of the Asian girls you like to fuc? All beat up, laying on the ground waiting for your cheap ass to come take advantage of her! Originally Posted by WTF
No, I feel sorry for her, she made a mistake and is trying to "save face" as this point. I like them much skinnier, anyway, with flawless complexions, you cheap E-Verify opponent who exploits defenseless Mexican laborers for 10 bucks per hour and charges your customers I'm guessing about 80-90 bucks per hour.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-04-2013, 01:14 PM
W I like them much skinnier, anyway, with flawless complexions, . Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
You like'em starved looking!

"Mamasan, no feed clear complexion, cheap JL come luv her long time, pay for short time!"

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I pay them 140 dollars for one hour of their time. How much do you pay your trabajadores per hour?
WTF's Avatar
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  • 09-04-2013, 01:22 PM
I pay them 140 dollars for one hour of their time. How much do you pay your trabajadores per hour? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yea but they only get 40 of that!

Good thing you like'em skinny because most can't afford to eat on those wages!