The NSA is engaged in industrial espionage?

I B Hankering's Avatar
NSA spying on Petrobras, if proven, is industrial espionage: Rousseff

(Reuters) - Reports that the United States spied on Brazilian oil company Petrobras, if proven, would be tantamount to industrial espionage and have no security justification, Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff said on Monday....

The Globo report added tension to relations between Washington and Brasilia already strained by previous disclosures of NSA spying on internet communications in Brazil, including email messages and phone calls of Rousseff herself.

An angry Rousseff has repeatedly demanded an explanation. At stake is a state visit by Rousseff to the White House on October 23 to meet President Barack Obama and discuss a possible $4 billion jet fighter deal, cooperation on oil and biofuels technology, as well as other commercial agreements.

The Syrian issue hasn't made everybody forget about the overreaching NSA.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
NSA may as well be called the KBG except they are giving information over to the IRS, DEA, and FBI. Obama has done nothing but expand the reach of the NSA and his justive department is looking the other way.

Fast and Furious
This is what happens when you turn power over to the government and take it from the people.
Looks like he is mirroring the programs of the right.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-10-2013, 10:28 AM
Looks like he is mirroring the programs of the right. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

mirror mirror on the wall, who started this shit anyway?

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Backdoors have been built into everything since the 90's. As in the case of Cisco and their hardware/firmware Cisco backdoor still open

The "backdoors" that Cisco and other networking companies implement in their routers and switches for lawful intercept are front and center again at this week's Black Hat security conference. A few years ago, they were cause celebre in some VoIP wiretapping arguments and court rulings.

This time, an IBM researcher told Black Hat conference attendees that these openings can still expose information about us to hackers and allow them to "watch" our Internet activity. Backdoors are implemented in routers and switches so law enforcement officials can track the Internet communications and activity of an individual or individuals under surveillance. They are required by law to be incorporated in devices manufactured by networking companies and sold to ISPs.

In this report from Forbes, IBM Internet Security Systems researcher Tom Cross demonstrated how easily the backdoor in Cisco IOS can be exploited by hackers. When they gain access to a Cisco router, they are not blocked after multiple failed access attempts nor is an alert sent to an administrator. Any data collected through the backdoor can be sent to anywhere -- not just merely to an authorized user, Forbes reports.

What's more, an ISP is not able to perform an audit trail on whoever tried to gain access to a router through the backdoor - that nuance was intended to keep ISP employees from detecting the intercept and inadvertently tipping off the individual under surveillance. But according to IBM's Cross, any authorized employee can use it for unauthorized surveillance of users and those privacy violations cannot be tracked by the ISP.

Quote: "Cisco said it is aware of Cross's assertions and is taking them under consideration. To Cisco's credit, it is the only networking company that makes its lawful intercept architecture public, according to the recommendations of the IETF, the Forbes story states. Other companies do not, which means they may be susceptible to the same security flaws, or worse".

In addition to Microsoft now back tracking and trying to tell its consumers it didn't cooperate with NSA and the PRISM program and give away thier Encryption keys, yet they did build in backdoors on all their software and firmware..etc.
I B Hankering's Avatar
mirror mirror on the wall, who started this shit anyway?

ORANGE ALERT !!!!! Originally Posted by CJ7
How's that 'Hope and Change' working for ya, CharlieBlowJobs7?

Watch it CJ looks like the Fudge packer is wishing again.