Integrity - Does it exist within the community? Should it exist in the Staff?

Whispers's Avatar

: the quality of being honest and fair
: firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values
: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.
Do you believe "integrity" exists among the membership here? Among the staff?

By our very presence here, as a group, we seem to have made a conscious decision to go against the moral compass of the society we live in. Most of our peers, family and/or friends would judge us harshly by standards we certainly do not adhere to if they knew the nature of our "hobby".

I've been pondering the concepts of integrity, honesty, trust worthiness and morality in regards to members, staff and situations that exist within the community.

Do you think that based on our wholesale decision to break rules and not conform to society's expect-able standards of behavior we have any right to expect "honesty" and "fairness" from staff?

I trust NO ONE here!! and seldom do I believe any review and any post when it comes to 'he said, she said'
bistraight69's Avatar
No honor among thieves (when you’re involved in illegal/immoral activities, you can’t even trust those you work with closest).
nuglet's Avatar
Who really gives a rats patootie?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-09-2014, 11:01 AM
Yes I do.

Its a business venture for them. For us its a hobby. I think most people are moral at their base, and are honest more often than not. But...human nature is to take advantage in a situation that will benefit our interests...I imagine that happens in eccie to degrees at the various levels (MOD, ADMIN, etc)...."I'll give you free or highly discounted pussy in exchange for MOD favor"...sounds pretty plausible to me. Now "I'll give you free or highly discounted pussy if you ban this board member" beyond acceptable but also plausible. To that, we had a MOD here once who would ridicule posters if they said anything negative about one of "his" girls...that was over the line, IMO.

Using Eccie "celebrity" would be nothing new...whether its used in a compromising or altruistic sense is the question in point.

That said, I don't find what we do illegal, immoral or particularly wrong. In its purest sense, its just a couple of people spending time together and one giving the other some cash to make their life better. Its a win/win with no victim. I've made some great friends with a couple of girls I met through here...and I've been burnt and made enemies as well. Its a mixed bag.

However, American society in its pious self sanctimony rules it forbidden, therefore we cater to the societal norms & keep it under the rug.
FoulRon's Avatar
So, Whispers, why did you feel the need to post this as separate threads in more that one forum?
What's really got your goat?
JohnnyCap's Avatar
I don't really think it matters whether it's eccie or elsewhere, believe none of what you hear and half of what you see. If that.

These are a plethora of guys in upset who keep getting together in person, arguing, and fucking with each other. Drama, outing, etc. I don't imagine the other sections are any different, but I won't see an eccie provider again, at least not with reference to the site. Too many angry wannabe pimps.
Whispers's Avatar
So, Whispers, why did you feel the need to post this as separate threads in more that one forum?
What's really got your goat? Originally Posted by FoulRon
I am a member of more than one community and not everyone frequents National.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 11-09-2014, 02:40 PM
Probably more like Intra-Gritty since it seems very easy to rub folks the wrong way and create friction among the troops.

Anyone here should know and accept the risks and not put their trust totally in what might be posted within ANY site. Experienced Hobbyists will see through the BS or at least proceed with caution.
Centaur's Avatar
Social norms are not the absolute yardstick of moral conduct, or even of integrity. Passing the buck of moral decisions to social norms and expectations is tantamount to abjuring personal responsibility. That’s the role of a serf, not a citizen.

Boring philosophy part thoughtfully marked for Toyz to skip
Less boring praxis

Every civilization throughout history has been an emergent result of two competing forces, collectivism and individualism. Ironically, the culture often deemed the crucible of Western Civilization, the Roman Republic/Empire, was actually far more collectivist than our own, which owes its cult of individualism to the Italian Renaissance’s love of the culture the Roman’s appropriated for their own, Ancient Greece. The individualism of Greece, the North American British colonies from which we sprung, and a handful of other cultures out of thousands, has been the exception, not the rule. In most societies, individualism is and has played a distant second fiddle to the family, tribe, city, nation or religion.

Yet modern Western civilization cultivates a tradition of pride in our individualism. If norms were really so important to Americans, we'd yield to the dominant collectivism of history. I, for one, am glad we don’t, but I do recognize that pure unleavened individualism is a path to destruction. Enlightened self-interest dictates that one should take care of the pools we swim in.

To me, integrity is the adherence to one’s own moral code, and an antonym for hypocrisy. Social norms are hypocritical. They can hardly be otherwise. They represent the uneasy détente between all the different influential factions and their codes at work within society. A person can have integrity. A society cannot.

Societies are hypocritical. I’m not saying that disdainfully. They cannot help it. The horses pull in many different directions. That’s not just true of the wider culture. It’s true of this board as well. With respect to Ralphey Boy, there are people with varying degrees of integrity here, but it’s nonsensical to even ask if the board or community itself has integrity. Trust is earned. I've observed that people who give it too easily often wind up burned and embittered, unwilling to let anyone else earn their trust. Which is obviously entirely their prerogative. The unwillingness to risk letting anyone earn one’s trust does not mean no one has any integrity. On the other hand, if the rewards of finding out who does don’t outweigh the risk in one’s personal calculus, then trusting no one is the rational course of action.

The difference is that the United States government is an imperfect, corrupt, gerrymandered democracy, and eccie is an independent principality (undoubtedly with it's own share of corruption) allowed by Holy Hypocritical Empire’s politicians and enforcers to persist as long as mutual consent is respected. They know another shadow principality will simply spring up if they crush this one, and every experienced cop knows it's better to know where the scofflaws are so you can watch them for real predators than to drive everyone who fails to dot every i and cross every t further underground and have to start infiltration all over again. That said, if the Empire needs a sacrifice for the alter of public opinion, they will crush one principality even knowing another will take its place tomorrow.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 11-09-2014, 07:45 PM

Just messing with ya...but yah, that was one boring assed read...thanks for the Cliff notes.
Centaur's Avatar
Whispers's Avatar
No honor among thieves (when you’re involved in illegal/immoral activities, you can’t even trust those you work with closest). Originally Posted by bistraight69
There are several people here I trust