~SHITBOMB in Stoogeville~

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  • Toyz
  • 12-02-2015, 07:39 PM
Recently the OPEC Alliance launched a covert attack on Stoogeville.

Our crack team of TOYZINDUSTREEZ reporters infiltrated Stoogeville headquarters & documented the attack & the ongoing aftermath.

Please be aware that some of the images are graphic in nature & may make you ill...

Our coverage begins as the alliance approaches Stoogeville for the attack.

The attack team discusses strategy...

The fleet begins their bombing run...

...As the first explosions rip through Stoogeville our cameras capture the action...

The watch puppy comes running in...

Will Jabba & the Bandles win the day?
Will the Alliance Shitbomb them out of existence?

Stay tuned Co-ed Fans!
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