Tatts v. Body Hair

TravelinTony's Avatar
Okay, splain this to me:

Big-ass tattoos (all OVER the place) on babes are "in".

Body hair on men is "out".

Why is that?
I know I'm probably going to get flamed a bit for this but, it pains me to see a naturally beautiful young girl with ink all over her body. Yes it looks absolutely wonderful when its freshly done, but put about 30 or 40 years on that ink and its not going to be pretty anymore. Life happens, accidents happen and leave scars, babies happen and leave scars, weight gain and loss happens.
It must be my age, but because of my age, I am so thankful I never got a tattoo. Not even a flower or unicorn, or my personal favorite mythical creature, a dragon.
Men, I like a man to BE a man. But not a neanderthal! Keeping things neat and clean, OOOOOooo.... I love running my nails through a man's chest hair! Or other hair, down there! Trim yes, shave, PLEASE NO. Just my lil 2 cents!
Roothead's Avatar
I am especially fond of the former barbed-wire tatts that, after 20 yrs, begin to look like picket fences going around what was once a robust bicep....
  • Paven
  • 09-25-2012, 10:58 AM
Please shave your balls, please please please shave them! I have an affinity for balls and love to spend a lot of time with them and trying to get through the forests to get to my two pots of gold is well... I would rather not have to dig for buried treasure! Argh! LOL I'll do it but YOU will appreciate it a whole lot more if you shave. Trimming the top is fine. Chest hair doesn't bother me one bit!

Picket fences?! That is too funny!
I trim my balls but don't shave them. Why? Because women (in the hobby, at least) believe that men liked to have their balls aggressively sucked. I find that painful. But tender caressing is great. Everytime a woman goes down there, I'm like Wesley in the bedroom scene of the Princess Bride: "gent-LYYYY!!!!" I find that shaving the balls sets the wrong expectation.

Its also hard to explain to the SO.
  • Paven
  • 09-25-2012, 11:46 AM
Oh no, gentle loving licks and sucks only. I just don't understand for the life of me that hardcore fast and furious stuff. Sweet slow and sensual.

Also it's always funny to me when I read that about the SO and not shaving or manicuring your lower region because she might get suspicious. Tell her you read about it in a magazine and wanted to try something new lol. Women try new grooming tips all of the time why can't a guy? Just saying.
I too treat the boys gently, giving a gentle tug downward. My breasts are very sensitive, and I don't like it when they are man handled, pinched, or bitten. Quid pro quo!
  • Paven
  • 09-25-2012, 02:17 PM
You forgot to mention radio dialed lol.

Every great once in awhile I have a fellow who wants me to be rough with his balls and it kind of terrifies me. Makes me wonder why he choose to see me since that isn't up my alley.
georgeosborna's Avatar
Maybe, girls love to having anal sex with guys. So, they also wanted to attract guys with ass tatooes on them butts. So, mostly hot babes get tattooed on butts.
I too treat the boys gently, giving a gentle tug downward. My breasts are very sensitive, and I don't like it when they are man handled, pinched, or bitten. Quid pro quo! Originally Posted by Nicolet
Please dont bite the nips! lol

No tatts here but thinking of changing that to maybe just one based off of - well, life!

If I made it this far without one, I will likely pass...piercings have always been my thing anyways.