Newbie question

Im a little new, and my question is a provider asked me to send her a copy of my drivers license b4 meeting, and does anyone else see a problem with this? I am a little concerned with identity theft and giving over that much control to someone I don't know, and i hate say it, blackmail. I dont even like giving out my phone number. I'm married, and one phone call or text intercepted by my wife and I'm instantly divorced and homeless.

I guess it goes without saying I'd only meet her in a motel until we've established something. But that provider uncomfortable, suggested that it might be a setup since its not a private residence. I have used providers in the past, but I like to stick one person that I like and am comfortable with.
jaydalee's Avatar
Some providers will ask for that info if you are a newbie and cannot provide references.
However,that is not something I would ever ask for to be sent to me.
If you are concerned decline to send that info and search for a provider who does not require all of that.
You have to do what is comfortable for you no one can tell you that 100% for sure your info is going to be kept private.
Good luck to you!
bojulay's Avatar
Don't do it, find a girl that doesn't require such a thing.
Never give anyone such personal information.

On another note, isn't Jaydalee fine as hell.
Wish I could be under you for real Jayda LOL.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It is odd for a provider to ask for you to send her a copy of your DL. Don't do it. Getting laid isn't worth the risk you are putting yourself in. I understand your desire to find a provider you are comfortable with and keep seeing her. Might I suggest this. Do your research and look for "newbie" friendly providers. Depending on the ladies who catch your interest, I'm sure you will find one that doesn't make you uncomfortable in her screening process. Since you are looking for something long term, you may want to set up a "get to know you" meeting-- something like meeting for drinks at a bar or restaurant. That way you can meet in public which should be very low threat to her. You discuss what you want and then she can decide if the wants to go forward or not. Two other suggestions-- join P411. That will help with screening. Check into a sugarbaby relationship. If you are looking to just be with one girl for an extended period of time, that might be something to consider.
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Don't forget to surrender your first born male child while you are at it.
It's not really an unusual request. I have heard of providers asking to see it for their safety. I personally don't ask to see your DL, but yes, many do. OP, it sounds to me like your just not comfortable doing that. So the only thing I can tell you is don't do something you really are not comfortable with. Let me be really honest here. Yes, there are bad people in the world, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. You have some options, and I've suggested these to other first timers on here. You can join P411, you would have to give up your personal information to them, but it would be a one time thing. They are based in Canada. Your personal information would never reach the providers hands. There is an $87 yearly fee to join P411. Also, you could do a meet and greet and perhaps meet for lunch first. Not everyone is into this for various reasons, but it is still an option you could suggest to the lady. As far as not giving out your phone number, get a hobby phone and keep it safe!! Here in upstate NY they sell Straigh Talk at Walmart. I'm not sure what they sell in your neck of the woods. Good Luck!

(sorry I just noticed that Cpalmson pretty much suggested all of these thing)
Thanks, everyone. It helps to have a reality check, especially the cautions from the providers. I was beginning to think I was being paranoid and I'm glad to hear that it's not a common practice. I cannot imagine that it gives the provider any protection from LE anyway. I guess I will have to keep looking.
pyramider's Avatar
The Search tab is your friend. Get friendly with it.