
I want ECCIE and all the DFW providers to know I love the blondes. I will be hopefully trying out my first AA girl so let's see what happens. However, I will ALWAYS love my blondes.
I want ECCIE and all the DFW providers to know I love the blondes. I will be hopefully trying out my first AA girl so let's see what happens. However, I will ALWAYS love my blondes. Originally Posted by j.huernz
save some cash and find an AA blond or redhead........your welcome........
save some cash and find an AA blond or redhead........your welcome........ Originally Posted by Tony Gambino
Here I am! AA and blonde.
What do you get when you turn a Dallas blonde upside down? A toothless brunette with bad breath!

Go ahead...I can take it.
Call AB. She was brunette when I met her. Blonde, and I probably would never have left...
Here I am! AA and blonde. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
AB is my next babymama...after I figure out how to use the force to get them babies thru the hat. Haaaaaaaa
Here I am! AA and blonde. Originally Posted by Adrienne Baptiste
there it is there,. best of both worlds......