some guys are so sick............

DallasRain's Avatar
Nothing like a little hypocrisy!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
and he is in the ministry!
How does that go? He who lives in a glass house shall not cast the first stone !!! Anybody that looks at kids like that obviously has issues, I will just never understand it. But knowing that, you wouldn't think he would be out knocking people for their sexuality. I'm not into the whole gay scene, so I just don't go to the quarter when they are having their party. Kinda like the people on Bourbon St. at mardi gras trying to save everybody. I think they are trying to get a look at the tits just like the rest of us. There is one guy that is on the same corner every year, just so happens to be where we are on the balcony throwing beads. So we throw beads at him till he moves down the street a ways. He tries to get the girls to keep their shirts on, that has to be some kinda crime.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol--Biker so true!
DEVIN0131968's Avatar
Deciever, you are the sinner.
I cast you down from your throne of lies
And accuse you of a thousand sins
Perished in the flames of what you call Hell
I proclaim your kingdom as lost forever

A thousand Colours invade
All different, all dark
A black sun is now rising
Reality unfolds

Kingdom Gone

Absolute Spirit, we revolt against thee
We are the serpent gods, Wall spawned from you
I am the new messiah, and I will babtise you in sin
We wanted a place in your creation but you wouldn't let us in

With one caress I draw the life from your flesh
With one stroke I render your bones to dust
Kingdom Gone

In the light of the black sun
The seas of starvation start to boil
A new dimension is born,
We die, we learn and are born again

Inverted we've lived our lives
From our death to our birth
Now the liers are awakening
We are the children of "God's" curse

With our caress you greet the slaves of your creation
With one stroke you punish us for your sins
Kingdom Gone

The black gate is closed
I proclaim your kingdom as lost forever.......


To see a wormhole in your eyes fall to earth
And plague my heavens black

With fear I kiss the burning darkness
Forever burn

Leave not only me
But for every thought I think

Forever Burn..........
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I don't get this.

He's apologizing as he got caught taking a piss into a bottle as he claims?