Knock at the door

A well dressed young man knocked at my door yesterday.
I invited him in and gave him a iced tea as it was very hot.
He thanked me ,and said he was a Jehovah witness.
I asked him what he wanted to talk about.
He said"beats the shit out of me no body ever let me in before"
Bigh1955's Avatar
Great joke...and so true!
badhusband's Avatar
I usually slam the door in their face....
RealBeer285's Avatar
When I was in collage renting an old rundown house with a buddy, he had an antique chair that was off-limits so we put his headless medical skeleton in it and added my cow scull for a unique look. Well, a pair of JW or LDS guys came to the door and I let them in and they started on their speil, all the while not able to look away from the chair. I took the cue and got a piece of chalk and started to draw a circle around them on the floor. They left in a hurry and I was never bothered again.
Previously, as a joke I got the small book "How to be a Good Communist" on the front cover it showed a Chinese guy with a torch in his hand running thru the street
[The book was boring as hell]

Place Minnesota

I see two blacks in suits and ties going door to door
So i get the book, they ring the door bell
And they try to give me their book
I show them my book and say "We are for the oppressed peoples of the Earth"
and I try to give them MY book they roll their eyes and left.
Carguy350's Avatar
Once they came to my house. I answered the door. They gave me their speach. I responded with "I'm sorry but I'm catholic."

Then he said "you don't have to be sorry that your catholic"
That's when I slammed the door in their faces.
A friend had two women knock on the door, they were Jehovah's
He said"I hear you don't believe in sex"
they replied that they did.
He said"well come on in"
they left.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
funny stories!
I had two come to my door one day (back in my 20's) I grabbed a bottle of liquor, sat down on the front porch, took a big swig and said "what would y'all like to talk about ?" Everytime they would bring a subject up I would respond with something completely irrelevant to the topic, they finally left Pulling the crazy card works every time

I have not had a Jehovah witness in a while. Enough of my neighbors complained to the management and it stopped. Some of them were becoming a bit aggressive, for example pounding on someone's door excessively or just trying to push open the door to let themselves in.

Sweet n Little--Where can I get one of those knockers? LOL!