sex by the numbers

Young Chinese newlyweds.....
6 months of torrid "smash,and smash again" sex.....
Then it happens.....

SHE SEZ: "I wish there was more variety in our sexual activities"

In a quandary,and with a somewhat bruised ego,
HE SEZ: "Well...uh...uh...what do you have in mind ?"

SHE SEZ: "I would like to try NUMBA 69"

As he is covering his lap with the blanket,and moving away from her,
"What in the HELL are you going to do with KUNG PAU CHICKEN with BROCKERY ?"
When a young girl married a french man her mother warned her that he may want to change ends on her.
After two weeks of hot sex he asked her if she wanted to change ends.
as she ran screaming,he yelled"don't you want to have any children?"