With all the daily drama I read online I just wanted to share a positive personal experience for a change. Years ago I was disillusioned with life and had a strong spirit of discontent. Even though my life was trending in a positive direction I was still generally unhappy because I wasn't part of Uber society. Finally I was asked to take a job assignment to a 3rd world country and I did (mainly for the money) expecting the worse. When I arrived it was a culture shock beyond belief. I traveled to some of the more remoter parts of the country (that would make Nat Geo proud) and felt like I'd been in a time warp machine.
I quickly made friends with many of the locals that worked in the local office and even though these people had jobs they were piss poor. They invited me into their homes just beaming with pride and I forced myself to eat the food they prepared just praying to God I didn't get sick.
This experience quickly taught me the "real" reality of life and that my problems 'real or perceived' paled in comparison. I helped as many people as I reasonably could and I will never forget the raw humility, appreciation, and reverence they showed. It humbled me to a very great degree and had profound affects on my life. Sometimes if you find yourself going through a trial why not try helping others less fortunate or in need and see how it can change your spirit. I received an email yesterday to help one of the "locals" fly to Paris to get medical treatment. I'm glad I was in a position to be part of the few that pitched in to help.
Periodically I get lost in my own selfishness and put these humanitarian gestures on the back burner of my mind and need to resurrect them from time to time to help me keep things in perspective. Besides it makes you feel good.
Moral of my story? It is indeed better to give than it is to receive.