I personally feel that each city or region should have a separate section for this stuff. That way the gays can post their reviews in an area that it's not jumbled up with everything else. Think of it like this. The gays and transwhatevers are whining for separate bathrooms. Go ahead and give em what they want.
Originally Posted by rapcat
Poor choice of words aside, I think this would be basically a good thing. People that are searching for that information would be able to find it more easily. People that get offended by it would hopefully ignore it. It might take a little help(encouragement) from the mods at first. i.e. - don't post hate-commentary on a review, don't even allude to it. No "Welcome to AIDS" or other such remarks and let them draw an instant ban for it.
It's sad that a few times a year some intrepid hobbyist will post a TS review, followed by the usual color commentary from well established members, followed by a few all-out wars in CoED. That's not dialogue, it's just a shouting match. At least that's what happens in the Austin forums, a progressive community that values individuality.