Sleepless in Hotown...what do you do?!?

Today was a day where I just could not keep my hands off myself!

It started early when the guys started texting then when I heard from an old friend I have not seen in some know who you are!

Then this evening again when I was driving and a sexy girl was hitchhiking oh i really wanted to pick her up~! BUT I DID NOT
Then tonight I got in bed and one of my atfs sent me a message then I started getting aroused thinking of the next time we will be visiting again...

So today has been insane with sexual frustration even after sex Im still masturbating...NO JOKE.. help im still not sleepy!

What do you do when you just cant get your mind off sex and go to sleep?!

I have more pixxx I will share from today if you show me yours...they ARE clearer to see too.

Its too late for me to play so no this is not an AD...

I really need to go to sleep I have an early day dammit!


If your up and being naughty ALONE I dare you to take a cellphone picture and share it too..I wanna see!
No face just body...
come on wake up... you know you wanna play!
Did you look at the first pic befour you posted it
No not really... it was late is it not in you favour?

arggh thank god for redbull!
Im sure you would be a flavor of my liking. pic just looks weird, mid section , uper thigh
Wakeup's Avatar
Not playing...
You should of laid down the red bull....

BUT I do love the spirit of the thread.....
Sisyphus's Avatar
Lord knows...I'm not the ACME Judgment Company, BUT...what's with the protractor between your legs???
*chuckle* something vaguely familiar here...
Wayward's Avatar
notanewbie's Avatar
I had a good friend who had a real pain in the ass of an ex wife, she would call him all hours of the night with complete nonsense...

one time she called over and over saying she couldn't sleep, his response, "take a few handfuls of sleeping pills and don't call me in the morning".

Does not have a whole lot to do with this ad but it just reminded me of the story that some may find humorous.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 07-01-2011, 07:27 AM
LOL. nan, you crack me up.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Where'd the pics go? No great loss, as they were really lousy. You'd thinck someone who "grosses" $400k/yr could afford to buy a real camera.
notanewbie's Avatar
cb, that was the "milf" filter...kinda like fuzzy math.
I was naughty and the genitals are not allowed...thank god I have other places I can post these being the online pervert exhibitionist I am..

So those were removed...and then CB when I posted my weekend advertisement I ran out of space so I had to remove pix causing the few pix that I had on here to be removed.
But now I have more space and eat your heart out.
Who said I earn 400k?
nonsense I am barely getting by dude!
I dont even have a job I just pretend to "work it" for kicks..
I give it away..lmao!