Why did you choose ECCIE....

Ms Francisca's Avatar
There are several other hobby boards in Texas to choose from. So, why did you choose eccie?
Do you think the Providers follow the hobbyist or do the hobbyist follow providers? Is it the Providers that have made eccie King? or is it the hobbyist that have given the crown to eccie?
Whispers's Avatar
There are several other hobby boards in Texas to choose from. So, why did you choose eccie?

It offered the most user friendly environment as well as stated regularly that it would allow the free flow of information without censorship (outside of it's stated forbidden topics

Do you think the Providers follow the hobbyist or do the hobbyist follow providers?

Due to the huge amount of lurkers and vastly greater views of review and informational threads in other forums I think "most" are here for the information and not as much for interaction.

As a few providers made decisions to post in other places has led a few guys to follow there are no doubt some that will go where they can interact. but for the most part, I believe the women follow the money.

Is it the Providers that have made eccie King? or is it the hobbyist that have given the crown to eccie? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Paid Memberships, Paid BCD ACCESS and the Reviews and informational materials that have been allowed to flow freely here catapulted the site to where ASPD was years ago....

I don't think there is any doubt why ECCIE is the dominant website in Texas......

Ms Francisca's Avatar
Interesting that you think women follow money since you have made it clear the majority of your hobby $ is spent in a strip club.
I know you are the king and all..... but I really do not think my friend "Don King" is hooking up sugars on a trailer & showing up at your office... I have seen stranger things happen though...

Ysupp- can you find us an illustration of a strip club on wheels????
sixxbach's Avatar
Interesting that you think women follow money since you have made it clear the majority of your hobby $ is spent in a strip club.
I know you are the king and all..... but I really do not think my friend "Don King" is hooking up sugars on a trailer & showing up at your office... I have seen stranger things happen though...

Ysupp- can you find us an illustration of a strip club on wheels???? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Well with about 60000 members and growing, I think that sums up why women are following the money on ECCIE. Sure some girls make more money on other sites but to ignore ECCIE's role in hobby in Texas at least would be foolish....

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Gotta love those line by line responses, but I know that's your inimitable style -- one of the things that defines many of the more flamboyant (and I mean that in a very manly, heterosexual way, so don't get your knickers in a twist guys) personalities on ECCIE -- and anything else would be, uncivilized!

So as a tribute to the King...

Yeah, it isn't confrontational at all...

Why did I choose ECCIE?

Yeah, that was the question after all...


As in "pussy's in the?"

BINGO! This was the onlyest game in town. A couple other boards are out there, including one that pretty much mirrors the now-defucked ASPD.

Did you really say defucked?

Personally, I got away from the social aspect of the hobby and then spent a few years fighting some health issues which kept me out of the other part of the hobby. So I got a nice break. Then I joined ECCIE when I heard about it on one of the other boards.

Yeah, but you didn't become a post whore until recently. Right?

I got more involved because I felt it was a calling from God Almighty! I'm needed wherever outlaws rule the West, wherever innocent women and children are afraid to walk the streets, wherever a man cannot live in simple dignity, wherever a people cry out for justice!


Sorry ladies, gentlemen and Whispers ... I'm a goofy motherfucker! Sometimes I just CAN'T help myself.

it's the busiest... im on eraps and home 2 as well but they have not brought a single apt.
harkontume's Avatar
Women follow the money ,, guys follow the women. We all follow each other.

Who gives a damn
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Women follow the money ,, guys follow the women. We all follow each other.

Who gives a damn Originally Posted by harkontume
Give the man a kewpie doll!

Whispers's Avatar
Interesting that you think women follow money since you have made it clear the majority of your hobby $ is spent in a strip club.

I really don't understand your correlation of what i think of Providers and their reason for using ECCIE vs the money I spend on strippers.... And VERY LITTLE of my money is spent IN a Strip Club....

I know you are the king and all..... but I really do not think my friend "Don King" is hooking up sugars on a trailer & showing up at your office... I have seen stranger things happen though...

Why what a name dropper you are!........ Nope..... But more than one of the girls from there drop by my office on the way to work or after work.... especially on the very slow days.....

Ysupp- can you find us an illustration of a strip club on wheels???? Originally Posted by Ms Francisca

I need to get a pole installed in my office..... Yo.. Metal Smith... You available to put a pole in if I arrange a few ladies to "test it"
Sorry to be off topic, but i Love you avatar harkontune...

I came to eccie because of traffic. I quit for a couple years, when i came back aspd was just gone. Luckily i knew a few girls still working, who referred me to eccie.
NipLover's Avatar

I need to get a pole installed in my office...
Originally Posted by Whispers
I keep a pole with me 24/7/365. Only takes a minute to set up, too!
Can i dance on your poll niplover?
GneissGuy's Avatar
Come on people, let's get real.

Amber died. ASPD had problems and then went down for good. There was a long pause getting eraps up and running.

Even if you think ECCIE is much, much better than ASPD was, it wouldn't have exploded the way it did if ASPD hadn't died. ECCIE might have grown into the top board on its own over time, but the demise of ASPD was the golden moment for for ECCIE.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
(FUCK IT! Not worth the sputum) I met and spent time with Amber. She was a great lady. Sad she's gone.

I think ECCIE IS much much better than ASPD was, but not because someone died, GG I blame that on ECCIE's board ownership and mod staff. Those folks are determined to ensure we have a good time here!

However, I don't think that's what this thread is about, GG.
First and foremost who does really give a damn? You my man are 100% on point! After all in the final analysis for both hobbyists and providers alike this is in fact a business and you don't need an MBA from Harvard to figure that out. I am an experienced hobbyist and ECCIE like the two other boards I'm a member in good standing on all provide me with the necessary information I need to make an informed decision before calling a provider. Smart, business savvy providers use the boards to put their best foot forward and promote themselves and their business's (their brand). When fantastic service is provided to reputable boardmembers and accurate, trust worthy reviews are written things tend to move along smoothly for all involved. Folks it's just a business, a very fun business but still a business. I chose ECCIE because it helps me manage my hobbying like a bussiness. Cheers all...