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stan lee passed away.

Born: Stanley Martin Lieber, Dec 28, 1922, New York City, U.S.
Died: Nov 12, 2018, Los Angeles, California, U.S.

Stan Lee was a prolific comic book writer. He wrote stories until his hand fell off.

stan lee was the creator of much of the Marvel Universe. what he did with his characters were revolutionary and changed the way comic books were written.

Comic book icons such as Spiderman, Hulk and others were his creations along with his fellow writers, Steve Ditka and Jack Kirby. (deceased as well)

He died with a fortune of $68 million which his daughter now inherits.

I have to admit this, I was shocked that he only had $68 million in the bank. given the value of his creations in the movie business, he should have been a billionaire; at minimum 500 million.

He was a fantastic creator, but a lousy business manager.

His problem was that he wasn't greedy enough.

He also had unscrupulous partners who tried to rip him off.

2 bits of irony, after leaving Marvel comics, he worked for his arch-rival, DC Comics, on a number of DC characters.

This made sense the quality of the stories were bad, this was around the time that Stan Lee left Marvel.

Rest In Peace Dude!

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dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the dude is full of surprises. didn't know he made this one!

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12 Things You Learn Over Two Decades of Lunches With Stan Lee

stan lee was a character! lol!

best stan lee quote
“I’m not going to retire. Most people retire so they can go do what they want. I’m already doing what I want. I like to write. I like to work with creative people. If I retired, I’d be giving up my fun.”
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RIP Stan Lee, 1922-2018

“Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko made great comics, but Stan Lee made comics great.”