Trumps impeachment is not official!!!!

bambino's Avatar
So says the Democrats own constitutional scholar Noah Feldman! Yeah, that smug Libtard from Harvard says impeachment is not merely a vote but a process. If Pelosi doesn’t send the articles to the Senate for a trial her impeachment is moot!!!!! Another whacky scheme by the Democrats blows up in their faces. Impeaching Trump was so important to our Republic that Pelosi took a couple weeks off! How delicious.

Trump will be all over this during the holidays!
Last Ride's Avatar
Interesting reading. Especially the part about the Senate must actually hold a trial.
there are other "experts" who assert that once duly voted upon, the impeachment is accomplished and that the ball is now in the senate's court regardless of anything Pelosi may or may not do as the constitution is silent as to any subsequent process

and that the senate might merely dismiss the impeachment should there be no "prosecution" of the case or proceed with anything they may wish
Interesting reading. Especially the part about the Senate must actually hold a trial. Originally Posted by Last Ride
Yup, and trials can end in any number of ways. Summarily discharging the accusations as unfounded or not even valid, all the way through a complete set of hearings/testimonies/etc.

I think this land's somewhere in the middle with a review of the unfounded charges and a simply acquittal vote.

It's up to Pelosi though whether she chooses to certify and make the charges official for a trial. If she doesn't, it's just another laughable tactic by the left who haven't been able to levy an actual charge against Trump yet.
HoeHummer's Avatar
It isn’t?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The trooper misspelled his names wrong on the ticket, eh?

rexdutchman's Avatar
Senate and trail are words the Dim-Wits are wishing to change, Tom said it at the debate they want a trail of public opinion because its the ONLY way they are going to win the election ,,,,
HoeHummer's Avatar
Public opinion=votes=election results?

Says it’s isn’t so, Rexsy!!!
Jaxson66's Avatar
Every network and major newspapers are reporting the fat lying bastard was impeached and that’s the way history will record his first term. It’s official.
Every network and major newspapers might be reporting Trump's re-election next year, too ..... the impeachment vote just piss off enough of middle America to make that happen ..... and as I stated in another thread, those 31 Democrats who voted to impeach Trump - you know, those 31 who represent a district that Trump carried in 2016 - well they might consider polishing up their resumes ..... if the voters in those districts react the way I think they will, that Democratic lead in the House could take a major hit in 2020 ..... but hell yeah, forget all that ..... Trump was impeached !!! .....
lustylad's Avatar
Every network and major newspapers are reporting the fat lying bastard was impeached and that’s the way history will record his first term. It’s official. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Well, go ahead and congratulate yourself, jaxboy. Give yourself an attaboy! Try not to break an arm patting yourself on the back! Come back when you're finished ejaculating!

Feel better now?

All you've managed to do is de-stigmatize impeachment. From now on, any slim House majority won't hesitate to register its disapproval of any POTUS it dislikes by finding some diddlysquat excuse to impeach. We're talking about a fucking phone call. What will it be next time - you don't like his necktie? You've turned impeachment into a laughable, meaningless exercise. Thanks, dim-retards! Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Every network and major newspapers are reporting the fat lying bastard was impeached and that’s the way history will record his first term. It’s official. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Your "Every network and major newspapers are reporting" lied to you for three years straight about Russian collusion. You're an incorrigible, "#Grubered" minion drunk on lib-retard Kool-aid if you still 'believe' what those liars preach.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-20-2019, 09:45 AM
there are other "experts" who assert that once duly voted upon, the impeachment is accomplished and that the ball is now in the senate's court regardless of anything Pelosi may or may not do as the constitution is silent as to any subsequent process

and that the senate might merely dismiss the impeachment should there be no "prosecution" of the case or proceed with anything they may wish Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
For once you said something agreeing with...
Well, go ahead and congratulate yourself, jaxboy. Give yourself an attaboy! Try not to break an arm patting yourself on the back! Come back when you're finished ejaculating!

Feel better now?

All you've managed to do is de-stigmatize impeachment. From now on, any slim House majority won't hesitate to register its disapproval of any POTUS it dislikes by finding some diddlysquat excuse to impeach. We're talking about a fucking phone call. What will it be next time - you don't like his necktie? You've turned impeachment into a laughable, meaningless exercise. Thanks, dim-retards! Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves! Originally Posted by lustylad
very true

I recall a feeling of grave importance that was impeachment and the soberness needed in its undertaking as if it was a national duty none desired but all shouldered with regret during the Nixon era

some of that feeling may have been my younger age and a lack of any alternative media but it still was a rite not enjoyed

now, impeachment is just another partisan attack by hacks, with the act of the majority impeaching the only tawdry thing and not any action by the president

Pelosi gaveling the event closed and she shakily had to, as imperceptibly as she could, keep the cheers from her crew down to a minimum

she was like a wife who kicks a husband under the table to get him to quit telling some off color story without anyone else knowing, only thing is, we all knew

and then there was the phone camera video of the gloating tliab
eccieuser9500's Avatar
very true

I recall a feeling of grave importance that was impeachment and the soberness needed in its undertaking as if it was a national duty none desired but all shouldered with regret during the Nixon era

some of that feeling may have been my younger age and a lack of any alternative media but it still was a rite not enjoyed

now, impeachment is just another partisan attack by hacks, with the act of impeachment itself the only tawdry thing and not any actions by the presdient

Pelosi gaveling the event closed and she shakily had to, as imperceptibly as she could, keep the cheers from her crew down to a minimum

she was like a wife who kicks a husband under the table to get him to quit telling some off color story without anyone else knowing, only thing is, we all knew

and then there was the phone camera video of the gloating tliab Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Tell us about your feelings during the Clinton impeachment era.

an attempt at whataboutism?