sorry to say

SexyCassandra's Avatar
Sorry to say you just can help or trust anyone now in days. Please guys dont pm or email me about miah any more she is not my doubles partner any longer. Thats all I will say.
i feel ya girl!!!!! 100 %
Mojojo's Avatar
Moved to appropriate forum
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Thanks sorry about that.
jimmycz's Avatar
Me too as you 2 were a great time but sure both will do just fine. Sometimes it just does not work out.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Yes sometimes it does not. Trust is a Huge issue and once broken you can never get it back, at least thats how I operate.
SexyCassandra's Avatar

This is where you can fine her now I guess if you want to see her. I said all that I need to say now can we close this thread now please.
Haha, maybe thats why we stood each other so long, cause we didn't get down like that. Lots of girl on girl relationships don't work. Lots of time its the jealousy and competition! You will find a doubles partner one day who you both understand what the deal is. Evidently she is on BP getting pimped, so she will learn!
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Oh girl you just dont know. Its not about all that its waaaayyyy beyond! pm me or fuck it call Ill give you the deal chicka. (Long time no talk)
Email me again, I erased all my shit in a pinch and your email was in it Email me at same email again...
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Close this thread please.