So Shine wanted to go outside his normal harem of females and contacted a chick. Beautiful. 300 an hour which is 50 above my budget but fuck it. So I contact her and according to her one of her regs said don't foook Shine. At that moment I just felt so disappointed. Like why! Why! Who goes and gets pussy thinking about another dude, and what female with the fountain of youth between her legs listens to a dude trying to control her cooch. Normally, Shines balls are flaccid from foooking so much so I normally don't chase chicks. But this time I was hungry and I really wanted this chick, so I said I'm valet parking downtown, so after my work meet me up at 3 forks. She did, she loved Shine like most women do and Shine got closer to retirement ( lately my Mandingo hasn't been at a 90 degree angle so time is winding down). So please don't exert that much energy on Shine. She had a great time. I was respectful, didn't over fuck her, talked for most of the two hours. Shine when will I see you again? I don't know like I got Shit that needs my attention. You're a really nice guy Shine. Please ma'am add I also don't try to control a woman's vagina. Off Shine go. Dudes please stop. In a minute Shine is literally going to let you'll have all the pussy, because I've foooked alot and still had no fun, actually foooked up my marriage behind pussy, namely escape. The more pussy I've gotten the more listless I've become. Nothing solved, so please Shine is cycling out, no need to hate. One or two more pussies and I'm going to become a eunuch. Tooodlez...