Senile Biden says hell no I won't go

berryberry's Avatar
Amid calls to step down as the party nominee, Senile Biden releases a letter refusing to

Breaking: Biden sent a letter to Congressional Democrats this morning amid a growing push for him to step aside, reiterating his plan to remain in the race:

“The question of how to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now. And it’s time for it to end.”
bambino's Avatar
Que Kamala and the 25th Amendment
chizzy's Avatar
He will stay in the race and has already started putting out the scare tactics commercials filled with bullshit lies and voice clips of trump slicing out the full speeches. Typical liberal assaults
What a bunch of evil pricks
winn dixie's Avatar
Why should he drop out?
berryberry's Avatar
He will stay in the race and has already started putting out the scare tactics commercials filled with bullshit lies and voice clips of trump slicing out the full speeches. Typical liberal assaults
What a bunch of evil pricks Originally Posted by chizzy


We all know Senile Biden and the leftists are disgusting pieces of trash that constantly lie about their opponents
berryberry's Avatar
Que Kamala and the 25th Amendment Originally Posted by bambino
Yes. The leftists aren't happy. Many called for Senile Biden to drop out after his disastrous performance in the debate. They are working behind the scenes in DC to get Cumula to pull the plug on Senile Biden
Remember when Mitch McConnell literally froze at the podium, unable to even speak for minutes on end? Twice? Nobody asked him to step down.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Why should Biden step down based on one bad performance?
berryberry's Avatar

There are several D senators pushing for Senile Biden to drop out of the race.

Dems are seeing internal polling, per three sources, that shows serious, growing issues now in MN, NM, VA and WI for Biden

- There is frustration and questions about the WH messaging that seems to deny a deeper problem exists.

One senator told me, everyone here has campaigned and, politically, "You know a death spiral when you see it."

For now, worried senators are expressing dismay privately/directly to the WH and campaign. They are carefully sorting out next steps.
chizzy's Avatar
Remember when Mitch McConnell literally froze at the podium, unable to even speak for minutes on end? Twice? Nobody asked him to step down.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Why should Biden step down based on one bad performance? Originally Posted by tommy156
One bad performance?????

Come on buddy. Did u actually type that with a straight face?

And fyi when mitch froze pretty much everyone here posting said it's time for him to get the fuck out
bambino's Avatar
Joey Bribes is holding the Democrats hostage. How delicious
He willstay in the race and has already started putting out the scare tactics commercials filled with bullshit lies and voice clips of trump slicing out the full speeches. Typical liberal assaults
What a bunch of evil pricks Originally Posted by chizzy
Look up evil prick in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Donnie the Dickhead right next to Hitler Stalin Pol pot you know next all to all of the other evil pricks that you all obviously think we're fit to run a country!
Biden could be dead and still beat that traitorous piece of shit you all are so enamored with.
And after your supream court pissed off 90% of the women in the country, and now that your plans for the country are out in the open with that 2025 garbage for all the world to see, I'd say your dingy is dead in the water!
Trump is the grand wizard of all morons and even he is trying to distance himself from it!
Or did the dems modify that clip too?
bambino's Avatar
The Deep State is now calling Joey Bribes Big Boy!!!!!!!!


Say goodbye to the Big Guy!!!!

Look up evil prick in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Donnie the Dickhead right next to Hitler Stalin Pol pot you know next all to all of the other evil pricks that you all obviously think we're fit to run a country!
Biden could be dead and still beat that traitorous piece of shit you all are so enamored with.
And after your supream court pissed off 90% of the women in the country, and now that your plans for the country are out in the open with that 2025 garbage for all the world to see, I'd say your dingy is dead in the water!
Trump is the grand wizard of all morons and even he is trying to distance himself from it!
Or did the dems modify that clip too? Originally Posted by Big Daddy Joe

WHAT does this have to do with the thread topic??

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
They're really trying it, aren't they?

President Joe Biden and his Inner Circle Delusionists are hoping to brazen it out and prop up this past-its-expiry-date presidency.

In the process, they're proving themselves to be everything they've ever leveled at Donald Trump: out-of-touch, a sore loser, anti-democracy.

Mad King Joe just won't quit.
winn dixie's Avatar
Joey ain't quitting . He's fixing to go dark brandon.