1. Obama can't run on a record of accomplishments; so he has to tear Romney down.

2. Team Obama has internal polling that shows they are losing....going negative is always a sign that a candidate believes he is losing.

Look for Obama to get more extreme in his negative attacks; as November looms, the Olympics end, the Republican Convention bump happens, and voters focus on the ultimate question:

Do we want 4 more years of this guy ?

come on dipshit they all go negative sooner or later,and don't try to tell me the repubs haven't .
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-10-2012, 10:42 AM
To answer your question, that's all they can do. They have nothing else to run on.
Come November, there will be no Justice John Roberts to save Obama's pathetic ass !
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-10-2012, 11:11 AM
why is the campaign going negative

they took lessons from the right for the last 20 years?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Then why does the left wing state controlled CBS call this "new extremes"? Negative ads have plagued campaigns for decades, but that "Romney killed my wife" ad was way over the top. It was a new low in negative ads.
pyramider's Avatar
why is the campaign going negative

they took lessons from the right for the last 20 years? Originally Posted by CJ7

Negative ads have been around a lot longer than 20 years and are not exclusive to any party affiliation.
joe bloe's Avatar
why is the campaign going negative

they took lessons from the right for the last 20 years? Originally Posted by CJ7

Here's a Democrat Party poster from the Civil War era. You guys have been scum bags for a long time.

Come November, there will be no Justice John Roberts to save Obama's pathetic ass ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Like they saved Bushes?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-10-2012, 05:18 PM
Here's a Democrat Party poster from the Civil War era. You guys have been scum bags for a long time.

Originally Posted by joe bloe

well, I thought I would at least try and keep it as current as Rove and his dirt kicking tricks, but youre right, and I cant argue your point.

if fact, I remember all of the white robe wearing, deep southern Klan members voting democrat ticket then, like they do to this very day. They endorsed Obie, and stumped at all of his campaign stops while he was below the Mason Dixon didnt they?
joe bloe's Avatar
well, I thought I would at least try and keep it as current as Rove and his dirt kicking tricks, but youre right, and I cant argue your point.

if fact, I remember all of the white robe wearing, deep southern Klan members voting democrat ticket then, like they do to this very day. They endorsed Obie, and stumped at all of his campaign stops while he was below the Mason Dixon didnt they? Originally Posted by CJ7
Andrew Jackson is widely considered to be the father of the Democratic party. He was a proponent of the The Indian Removal Act; he signed it into law. The Democratic party has a shameful history. The modern day Democratic party has fallen to a new low, which is saying something given their track record.


Andrew Jackson is widely considered to be the father of the Democratic party. He was a proponent of the The Indian Removal Act; he signed it into law. The Democratic party has a shameful history. The modern day Democratic party has fallen to a new low, which is saying something given their track record.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Removal_Act Originally Posted by joe bloe

the GOP use to be the grand old party,but they have digressed into the slime like the dems...
the GOP use to be the grand old party,but they have digressed into the slime like the dems... Originally Posted by ekim008
I agree 50%. GOP is gaining respect as we speak. SLIME, one party has a rep for that. The party with a JackAss for the symbol. GRAb my hand MIKE i can pull you out..bro.... It's not tooo lateee........
TexTushHog's Avatar
Because it works!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Klan, Jim Crow, and chain gangs were all inventions of the southern democrats. Yes, we all see you're saying that the GOP is into dirty tricks but you named one yet? That answer is no.