HEY NEW GUYS: How to write a review and earn Premium Access credit

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-29-2016, 11:57 AM
Each submitted review on ECCIE is evaluated by the local moderators to determine if it qualifies for Premium Access credit. For each of your reviews that is approved, you earn an additional 6 weeks of Premium Access credit. (Yes, it accumulates... some frequent reviewers have several years of PA credit banked.)

Every review on this site has a section called The Rest of the Story. Until you get Premium Access, you can't see that section. That section (the most important part of the review) is one or more paragraphs describing your time with the lady. You want to provide sufficient details so that other guys can make an informed decision as to whether they would want to spend their hard-earned money to see her.

There is a sample reviews thread with some examples to get you started.

When you go to write that review, go to the appropriate forum:
and then click the New Review button, highlighted in red in the picture here. That gives you a form to fill out with all the necessary fields. (Don't click New Thread!)

Once you submit it, your volunteer moderator staff reviews it. If the review is complete, it is approved. The review is assigned to the lady's profile here (or to a "placeholder one" if she doesn't have an account yet.) Your review should be dispositioned and assigned to the lady's profile within 48 hours. If you haven't heard from us by then, please ask. Most of the time we are just slow, but sometimes your review doesn't make it into the queue automatically, so we don't see it.

Top 5 reasons a review gets rejected:
  1. No or insufficient ROS (The "Rest of the Story")
  2. Date is not a specific day or "week of " date. (April 2016, Mid April, Late March are not specific enough)
  3. Rate is not included ("Review special", "Posted rate", "Between Us", "Regular rate", "See Showcase" are meaningless)
  4. Insufficient contact information (List lady's handle, include an email/phone/website/P411)
  5. Session happened over 30 days ago

budman33's Avatar
I was always confused how strip club reviews earn credit. Those women move around, don't have contact numbers, and I can't go to the club and ask to see A************.

I know I could PM reviewer but that's weird. Just always thought they should get no Premium or reduced premium. my .02c

I'm dating a stripper and she brings homes girls to play with, sometimes for just the donation to tip out the DJ...Can I review that?
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-30-2016, 11:35 AM
Your question about obscuring dancer names is answered in the Strip Club Review Guidelines sticky at the top of the Strip Club Reviews forum. We don't make the rules, only enforce them.

I'm dating a stripper and she brings homes girls to play with, sometimes for just the donation to tip out the DJ...Can I review that? Originally Posted by budman33
You can certainly review the stripper you're dating! Be sure to include her name so no one has to feel weird PMing you for it!

playingnthedark's Avatar
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-18-2016, 09:57 AM
Bumping this since the new guys writing reviews need to see it.

playingnthedark's Avatar
Oh thanks Z. I still LMAO