My Faith has been Restored...

myohmymiranda's Avatar
I know a lot of providers are sticklers about screening. I don't blame them for protecting themselves in any way they can.

My logic, however, in not being so rigid is this: I have read so many stories posted by providers about things that they experienced (negative) and it happened DESPITE their efforts to screen thoroughly.

I believe instinct is our best asset during this process and I do my best to trust mine no matter how little I have to support any "gut feelings." As a result, I've had MOSTLY positive experiences.

But lately, I've noticed an increase in shady characters, who set out to see if they can get over on me; and luckily I've managed, more than not, to thwart their attempts. (I keep good records... LOL!)

But what I experienced today was a nice contrast from what I usually see! A client who I saw earlier had laid down his money and, as I rarely count a donation until after I've said goodbye, this was no different; but upon returning to my room I discovered the donation was short...

5 min later he phoned me to apologize and said he noticed when taking out his keys that part of the money was still in his pocket. So he instructed me to come to the door so he could give me the rest of what was owed.

I don't think I have ever had anyone correct this (without my having to ask them to do so although I've had a number of clients who have come up short over the last 8 years as a provider. With all the negative stories I read about gals who were done dirty, it's good to be able to report that chivalry is not dead after all and there are still some guys out there who are honest and honorable.

It warmed my heart so I thought I would make a point to share it with ya'll...

For all those guys out there who are true gentlemen and who treat us well; I'm sure I am not alone when I say that, in light of what many of us go through on a regular basis, we really do appreciate those of you who still have honor.

To anyone reading this; who would have done the same thing my client did, I wish many blessings for you and hope you all have a glorious and relaxing weekend surrounded by good people who appreciate you!
Schmafty's Avatar
There has been more than one occasion, due to nerves or excitement -- maybe both, that I have almost forgotten to leave behind the envelope entirely. Thankfully I usually do a four-point check before I head out the door and discover it still in my pocket; haven't had to make that embarrassing phone call yet!
After a great session with a long-time favorite from DFW and in town visiting, I got all the way to the car before I realized that I had failed to leave the donation. I quickly called her and told I needed to return for a minute that I had forgotten something--no problem.

When I got to the door, she asked what I had forgotten and I handed her the donation. She started laughing and told me that she had also forgotten about it. Folks, it just doesn't get any better than that when both the provider and Bob Hobby are so wrapped up in the session and having lots of fun, that both forget about the donation.

We laughed about that day for over a year before she went UTR. I truly miss that wonderful little lady and keep hoping to hear she is back in the hobby. We occasionally exchange txt messages, so I remain hopeful that one day....
Miranda, thank you for posting positive.
We need more positive on this board.

We need more positive in this world!