Happy Independence Day, America .

CG2014's Avatar
Tomorrow is July 4th, we celebrate the day we Americans told them Incorrect English speaking Red Coats to high tail back to their island because we don't need their stinking tea.

It's also a day to drink ice cold lite beer and eat enough carcinogen barbecued beef and pork to block our colon.

Chung Tran's Avatar
Tomorrow is July 4th, we celebrate the day we Americans told them Incorrect English speaking Red Coats to high tail back to their island because we don't need their stinking tea.

It's also a day to drink ice cold Bud lite beer and eat enough carcinogen barbecued beef and pork to block our colon.

Originally Posted by CG2014

See if you can find the divisive word I inserted, LOL. Note to Moderators... Remember, I'm the ''Paul Lynde of ECCIE'', which means I often respond with a non-derailment joke, followed in the same post with something serious. Such as a warning about clogged colons

America has become divisive. Too many special interests working for their own. The collective mentality seems to continuously erode.

In spite of that, on a relative basis, America is a greater Country now than at anytime in History. Certainly something worthy of big celebration.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORYVCML8xeE&pp=ygUXZnJvbSBteSB jb2xkIGRlYWQgaGFuZHM%3D

Here's a message to the organized crime syndicate known as the federal government/deep state/uniparty.

From My Cold Dead Hands.
CG2014's Avatar
@Chung: I saw Bud Light at Walmart the other day, 24 cans cases for like $3 once you scan the QR code on a cardboard standee next to it !!

Back on topic.

CG2014's Avatar
Chung Tran's Avatar
@Chung: I saw Bud Light at Walmart the other day, 24 cans cases for like $3 once you scan the QR code on a cardboard standee next to it !! Originally Posted by CG2014

Really? I might see if I can get that price. I might have to listen to Walmart Stockers snickering ''there goes Chung Transsexual buying Bud Light''! But for that price, and knowing they stock shelves overnight because they didn't get an education, it would be worth it.
CG2014's Avatar
I seen Tik Tok video showing entire 24 packs with signs for $2. Can't remember what stores and cities they were at. The Tik Tok creators saying Go Woke and Go Broke, Anheuser Busch!
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
''there goes Chung Transsexual buying Bud Light''! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Are you cheating on me again Chung?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCOSejS1SSY&pp=ygUac2NobWl0dHM gZ2F5IHNubCB2YW4gaGFsZW4%3D

Enjoy a warm bottle of queer beer and tranny piss at your next 4th of July pool party.

Next rounds on me my alphabet people!