Moms who mention their kids while posting nude photos

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I'm a single/widowed Mom and it still amazes me that single Moms are posting full on face and nude body pics for all to see. You never know just who is looking at the photos and once you put them out're out for all to see including your children, your children's friends, parents, teachers, doctors, your neighbors, and so on. It would just take one person to take you down and ruin your child's life, so this goes out to people that I see lately who are openly advertising the fact that they have young children (hey kidnap/traffic my child) and who post photos of themself nude. I'm a Mom so I understand a lot, but what the hell are you thinking?

tbone77494's Avatar
Well, the answers to "what the hell were you thinking" are too numerous to address for your average hooker.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
This is a point that has bothered me over the years, but I've seen it recently with a couple of well known people here and it's really blatant. I could have brought this into a ladies area only area, but frankly I doubt the ladies currently doing this would give a damn. I know a well-known and very beautiful provider (not on this board) who was arrested in front of her child, and this is something people need to consider.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Excellent point, Lexie. But it boils down to a matter of personal choice and how much risk a provider finds acceptable when she's already sleeping with strange men. I don't have any kids, no boss, my relatives and close friends know what I do, as well as my doctor, and I live so far out in the boondocks that only the squirrels would be appalled.

EEEEEEEK! Will the ASPCA come for my chihuahuas someday?
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Everyone knows you love and care for the chihuahuas, lol, and your gorgeous photos will not affect anyone in your life.

I hate to put this out there, but I seriously think continually mentioning your "munchins" in a national sticky here is not a good idea. Nor is having it out there that you have children and then posting crotch pics.

dearhunter's Avatar
hooktard don't post no photos/hooktard don't get paid
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I think you need to do more research on the DH. :)
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Btw, I'm referring to those with young children at home.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If every provider with kids didn't post photos most providers wouldn't have photos.

Whether a provider posts photos or not she might still run into one of her childs teachers, doctors, neighbors, etc booking a session with her.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
This may be true, but when posting nude photos, or even regular face photos out there, you don't know who's looking at them, could be an upset wife from your child's school PTA, who's just googling to check up on her spouse, could be anyone. I email my photo (G) and only after screening and determining what area someone is in. Do I have a revolving, but I wouldn't want one anyway.

I find the "munchin" sticky the most disturbing of all, because not one person has called it out and kids are not supposed to be mentioned here...PERIOD. It's asking for trouble, then there's a permanent record of her posting during the normal dinner hr, when clearly her kids were at home and she's posting photos of what she made them for dinner, along with her liquor of choice for the evening, provocative photos of her and another. I could go on and on, but to me at least one other person besides me should have noticed this and pointed it out before now.
blowpop's Avatar
Smart hobbyists keep their hobby life far away from their personal life.

Smart providers do the same.
Just a quick note since I am at lunch, but if you have a specific problem with someone in particular whom apparently has not attacked you, why not pm them instead of essentially calling them out as a bad mom in a specially made thread.

Very cowardly and catty.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Ahh, but I have not named names and as I said, I doubt those (more than one person here) I am referring to would give a damn.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
Me personally when I started out I had toddler and an infant. So My body had had been something I have always been self conscious about after my children.
Also I never plan on being in the biz so there for when I found my self in desperate times and needs I tuned to this as a last resort. I was thinking in the moment that's for sure.
My kids are still to young to really know and understand. My parents and people who matter already know and choose to except and love me regardless of my personal choices so I am lucky in that aspect of my life.
I plan on this part of my life being nothing but another life experience and apart of my past when they are truly old enough to know whats going on.
If my past does come back to hunt my kids well I ll have to cross that bridge when it comes.

Great topic. We all have our own walk in this life and our own stories.
dearhunter's Avatar
hooktard posts photos/hooktard don't need no fucking loan