Do You Believe In Coincidences?

So it's pretty obvious to some of us... the same horrible spelling, run in's with the same people, poor lack of self control, same misinformed insults, all cap custom titles?

LMFAO.. and you think it's big shit to own a trailer. ?. Hahah I shit trailers. And the only way that will be your is after your old bag mother dies. Untill then it's asking for rides to the store gimp.. limp limp limp. If you walked you will never get there before your curfew.. lol. You just can't make this shit up.. l. O. S. E. R. . Originally Posted by Mata Leon
The same obsession with review counts?
Not sure what you dummies are talking about but yes I have one review but Winn has nothing and rocker hasn't since 2015. Lol who's the bigger loser here?. Originally Posted by DogCatcher

Who does this idiot rapist really think he's fooling?
He's currently banned for making threats thru the Eccie pm system.

Do you think a person banned for making threats to people should be welcome in the hobby under a new handle?

It's the bandle Mata Leon!
Samcro84's Avatar
Seems like Austin management approves of bandles. Think there are more that one. Check new review for Star Boy.

No shit... BangBang is just as obvious if you're not sleeping.
Funny 1st review has pics and videos and exact format of BB having never seen ROS before.

Mods are really dropping the ball.

Yet they manage to ban Humpty within hours even though he has a new IP... smdh

These clowns are no less obvious.
EagleEye's Avatar
Dogcatcher's posting style reminds me more of BeachPlayer than ML. Just my impression.
Nah he's allegedly paying.
No alert by BrooklynSunshine.
Seeing providers that will let his new handle slide in.
Building up to be able to see better.
kingman doesn't type titles in all caps... Mata always has.
Treetop78759's Avatar
The number one STALKER speaks again. HER name is little tiny RICKEY. She CONSTENTLY posting in my direction because I'm RUNNING that fool in CIRCLES.YOU act like GILLIGAN who is stuck on the ISLAND. lolheheheh. A chia pet with no water.IN YOUR FACE. CHACHING You give disfuntchal doctors a HARD ON. WE ALL see the desparation. Trying so hard to be releventiveness. trying to be herd like DOCTOR TREEROP. We smell your FEAR OF the TREE. SO sad. So pathetic. YREETOP is the KING and the kING IS leaving the building. keep sacking your tiny seiner to ALL my rebiewa
DogCatcher's Avatar
I think this guy Rockerick is dilutional. His last three reviews were from a hooker that looks like he fell for and then dumped him. I may be new but I know better then to fall in love with a provider. Maybe you troll so much that you forgot the first rule of HOBBY? Lol, you are truly dumber then I thought.
Blah blah blah Mata Leon... You're too fucking ugly, pot bellied, and bald to ever have to worry about love...
Though it's not the case. I was banned for 2 years (guess you missed the lack of any post for 2 years?) but no worries I still have PA without writing the reviews you cherish and get your pathetic self esteem from.

Mata the word is delusional... You should know it well... As you are.
So why are you always so overly concerned with reviews?
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 07-31-2017, 11:43 AM
I love the new avatar Rick. Having such an awesome avatar, you should ask yourself "What Would Ace Do?" The correct answer would be more hookers and things we can't mention.
Might want to delete that last word tzv13.
That's a high cost one.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Might want to delete that last word tzv13.
That's a high cost one. Originally Posted by rockerrick
He forgot the word job little tiny ricky the minion.

More hookers and BLOW JOBS.

It wasn't a reference to the other.
tzv13's Avatar
  • tzv13
  • 07-31-2017, 12:01 PM
Thanks man.
winn dixie's Avatar
Has mata gotten control of trees' account. It sure looks like it lately!! Matas' normal pattern- misspelled words, lack of sentence structure, and an overall lack of sensibility gives it away.. Maybe we can get a two-fer this time RR. Getting rid of two trolls at once......... This would be very sweet!!!!!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
So it's pretty obvious to some of us... the same horrible spelling, run in's with the same people, poor lack of self control, same misinformed insults, all cap custom titles?

The same obsession with review counts? Originally Posted by rockerrick
Ya know, they see that if'n ya took a room full o' monkeys wif typewriters they wuld ee-vent-shoe-ah-lee write tha werks o' Shakespeare if'n ya gave 'em enuff time. Mebbe sumbuddy took a roomful o' ree-todd-id monkeys an' set 'em up wif an eccie account. Didja e'er thinck o' thet? Didja?