Bad Time To Be Rich

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Apparently the rich are losing income at a much greater rate than the rest of us, and, in fact, paying higher taxes.

Still, it's hard to feel sorry for them.
waverunner234's Avatar
Apparently the rich are losing income at a much greater rate than the rest of us, and, in fact, paying higher taxes.

Still, it's hard to feel sorry for them. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You really believe this?
(check out my latest review)
you can spin anything figures during the recession the rich had gained more wealth,as the rest fell.The very rich have overseas accounts,and capitol gains which lowers their tax.Maybe if they are loosing now is the huge amount of donations to the elections and super pacs they are donating to.Of course I am sure that is a write off.
joe bloe's Avatar
you can spin anything figures during the recession the rich had gained more wealth,as the rest fell.The very rich have overseas accounts,and capitol gains which lowers their tax.Maybe if they are loosing now is the huge amount of donations to the elections and super pacs they are donating to.Of course I am sure that is a write off. Originally Posted by ekim008

Campaign contributions, of any kind, are not tax deductible.
I B Hankering's Avatar
you can spin anything figures during the recession the rich had gained more wealth,as the rest fell.The very rich have overseas accounts,and capitol gains which lowers their tax.Maybe if they are loosing now is the huge amount of donations to the elections and super pacs they are donating to.Of course I am sure that is a write off. Originally Posted by ekim008
"Hiding" money from taxation in off-shore accounts is illegal. "Investing" money in off-shore accounts to earn a higher rate of return is just good business sense.
"Hiding" money from taxation in off-shore accounts is illegal. "Investing" money in off-shore accounts to earn a higher rate of return is just good business sense. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

think it was about lower taxes....
joe bloe's Avatar
"Hiding" money from taxation in off-shore accounts is illegal. "Investing" money in off-shore accounts to earn a higher rate of return is just good business sense. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The Dimos had better be careful, criticizing Romney's overseas investments. Essentially, all the Dimo leaders have similar investments. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

I think a lot of people have heard of criminals putting their money in foreign banks to hide it from the IRS. People automatically think that putting money in a Cayman Island bank is illegal or unethical; it isn't.

This is just the Dimos doing business as usual, taking advantage of their constituent's ignorance.
I B Hankering's Avatar
think it was about lower taxes.... Originally Posted by ekim008
"lower taxes" = "higher rate of return"
Fast Gunn's Avatar
In the halcyon days of my youth, I thought that paying taxes was a very patriotic thing to do.

With the judgment born of maturity, I have learned that paying a dime more in taxes than I can avoid is foolish.

The fact is that I cannot control who is voted into office and when we get a clown like Bush in the White House, he will just squander all of my hard-earned money on idiotic things like tax cuts for millionaires and invasions of countries that drain our blood and treasury.

. . . Sorry, Uncle Sam, but I know how to invest, save and spend my money much better than you ever will and I plan on keeping it!
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Dimos had better be careful, criticizing Romney's overseas investments. Essentially, all the Dimo leaders have similar investments. The hypocrisy is nauseating.

I think a lot of people have heard of criminals putting their money in foreign banks to hide it from the IRS. People automatically think that putting money in a Cayman Island bank is illegal or unethical; it isn't.

This is just the Dimos doing business as usual, taking advantage of their constituent's ignorance. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Anderson Cooper, Ali Velshi and others were "discussing" this issue the other night. They did their utmost by innuendo and aspersion to tar Romney's investments as "illicit". Not one of those assholes proffered that Romney MIGHT have those accounts because he was -- business wise -- scoring the highest rate of return he could find. And those pathetic assholes call themselves "journalists"!?!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the halcyon days of my youth, I thought that paying taxes was a very patriotic thing to do.

With the judgment born of maturity, I have learned that paying a dime more in taxes than I can avoid is foolish.

The fact is that I cannot control who is voted into office and when we get a clown like Odumbo in the White House, he will just squander all of my hard-earned money on idiotic things like invasions of countries that drain our blood and treasury.

. . . Sorry, Odumbo, but I know how to invest, save and spend my money much better than you ever will and I plan on keeping it!
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Fixed that for ya!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, don't do me any favors!

If stupid was against the law,

. . . You'd be in the slammer doing life without parole!

Fixed that for ya! Originally Posted by I B Hankering
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, don't do me any favors!

If stupid was against the law,

. . . You'd be in the slammer doing life without parole!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
You gotta love it!!

They aren't losing it, they are converting it to cash and suitcasing it onto their yachts, where it sails off into the wild blue yonder.
"lower taxes" = "higher rate of return" Originally Posted by I B Hankering

You still aint getting it If your money isn't here= lower taxes you pay.Otherwise there would be no incentive to put it there.