McCain tears some Utah Governor ass ...

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-24-2012, 12:22 PM
watched this last night on CSpan .. McCain was hell bent and whiskey bound ...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-24-2012, 12:35 PM
What the Olympic games supposedly hosted and funded by Salt Lake City, which began in corruption and bribery, has now turned into is an incredible pork-barrel project for Salt Lake City and its environs." -- Sen. John McCain in the United States Senate, Sept. 19, 2000 - [Page S8731-S8748 - Congressional Record.]

Where is the Video CJ7?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-24-2012, 12:59 PM
What the Olympic games supposedly hosted and funded by Salt Lake City, which began in corruption and bribery, has now turned into is an incredible pork-barrel project for Salt Lake City and its environs." -- Sen. John McCain in the United States Senate, Sept. 19, 2000 - [Page S8731-S8748 - Congressional Record.]

Where is the Video CJ7? Originally Posted by WTF
not sure there is a vid .. caught it on cspan ... about an hours worth I think.

McCain was pissed to say the least. After quoting chapter and verse his main objective was to create an oversight committee that pre qualifys a city or town that wants to be considered for hosting an olympic event .. in McCains opinion (and mine) if a host doesnt have the infrastructure to host the event it isnt the taxpayers responsibility to spend $1.3 billion rebuild the city/town then when the games are over move off and leave $100 million dollars worth of new roads. I got sorta pumped when he shook his hand and said if this ever happens again he would filibuster until he fell over and protect the taxpayers ... get em John.

I'll dig around and see if theres anything to watch ...

yup, heres a little vid ..